Ambitious Leaders, Barbimaeus (Part 2)
The Life and Teachings of Christ — Steve GreggNext in this series
Zacchaeus, 10 Minas, Triumphal Entry (Part 1)
Ambitious Leaders, Barbimaeus (Part 2)

The Life and Teachings of ChristSteve Gregg
In this talk, Steve Gregg discusses the importance of servant leadership and being role models for others. He emphasizes that Christians should not think in terms of worldly categorizations or opinions, but rather provide leadership through service to others. Gregg also addresses some potential criticisms of the Bible, citing examples of compressing stories for brevity and highlighting the power of words such as "my great one" used to refer to Jesus. Overall, he encourages ambitious leaders to prioritize service to others and embody Christ-like qualities in their leadership roles.
More from The Life and Teachings of Christ
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Next in this series
Zacchaeus, 10 Minas, Triumphal Entry (Part 1)
The Life and Teachings of Christ
In this discourse, Steve Gregg discusses the biblical account of Zacchaeus, a rich chief tax collector whom Jesus invited to his house. Despite critic
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Zacchaeus, 10 Minas, Triumphal Entry (Part 2)
The Life and Teachings of Christ
Steve Gregg discusses the story of Zacchaeus and the parable of the minas in relation to the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Gregg highlights
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Ambitious Leaders, Barbimaeus (Part 1)
The Life and Teachings of Christ
In this piece, Steve Gregg discusses Jesus' teachings in Mark chapter 10, specifically focusing on the concept of suffering and how it relates to ambi
Series by Steve Gregg

In this six-part series, Steve Gregg provides verse-by-verse commentary on the book of Galatians, discussing topics such as true obedience, faith vers

Steve Gregg teaches verse by verse through the Book of Judges in this 16-part series, exploring its historical and cultural context and highlighting t

Steve Gregg teaches verse by verse through the book of Acts, providing insights on the early church, the actions of the apostles, and the mission to s

When Shall These Things Be?
In this 14-part series, Steve Gregg challenges commonly held beliefs within Evangelical Church on eschatology topics like the rapture, millennium, and

Three Views of Hell
Steve Gregg discusses the three different views held by Christians about Hell: the traditional view, universalism, and annihilationism. He delves into

Is Calvinism Biblical? (Debate)
Steve Gregg and Douglas Wilson engage in a multi-part debate about the biblical basis of Calvinism. They discuss predestination, God's sovereignty and

Isaiah: A Topical Look At Isaiah
In this 15-part series, Steve Gregg examines the key themes and ideas that recur throughout the book of Isaiah, discussing topics such as the remnant,

2 Kings
In this 12-part series, Steve Gregg provides a thorough verse-by-verse analysis of the biblical book 2 Kings, exploring themes of repentance, reform,

In this 11-part series, Steve Gregg teaches verse by verse through the book of Job, discussing topics such as suffering, wisdom, and God's role in hum

2 Thessalonians
A thought-provoking biblical analysis by Steve Gregg on 2 Thessalonians, exploring topics such as the concept of rapture, martyrdom in church history,
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