
Upper Room Discourse (Part 5)

The Life and Teachings of Christ
The Life and Teachings of ChristSteve Gregg

In this discourse, Steve Gregg discusses various aspects of the teachings of Jesus, including the promise of the Holy Spirit, the peace available through Him, and the significance of His sacrifice on the cross. He emphasizes that the peace of a Christian is not dependent on external circumstances, but is a result of walking in the Spirit, and can be maintained by prayer and obedience to God. Gregg also suggests that different interpretations of Jesus' sacrifice may exist, but it is essential to focus on how the Bible presents this event.


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Series by Steve Gregg

The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit
Steve Gregg's series "The Holy Spirit" explores the concept of the Holy Spirit and its implications for the Christian life, emphasizing genuine spirit
Steve Gregg teaches a verse-by-verse study of the book of Philemon, examining the historical context and themes, and drawing insights from Paul's pray
Knowing God
Knowing God
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Steve Gregg teaches verse by verse through the book of Ezra, providing historical context, insights, and commentary on the challenges faced by the Jew
1 Thessalonians
1 Thessalonians
In this three-part series from Steve Gregg, he provides an in-depth analysis of 1 Thessalonians, touching on topics such as sexual purity, eschatology
Church History
Church History
Steve Gregg gives a comprehensive overview of church history from the time of the Apostles to the modern day, covering important figures, events, move
Strategies for Unity
Strategies for Unity
"Strategies for Unity" is a 4-part series discussing the importance of Christian unity, overcoming division, promoting positive relationships, and pri
Steve Gregg teaches verse by verse through the Book of Judges in this 16-part series, exploring its historical and cultural context and highlighting t
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Is Calvinism Biblical? (Debate)
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