
Why Do Atheists Get Angry When I Bring up Belief in God?

#STRask — Stand to Reason

Why Do Atheists Get Angry When I Bring up Belief in God?

March 11, 2024
#STRaskStand to Reason

Questions about why atheists get angry when someone brings up belief in God, how to reconcile God’s sovereignty and Satan being the prince of the world, and why the Lord’s Prayer says, “Lead us not into temptation,” when God would never lead us into temptation.

* What is the source of the anger I encounter from atheists when I bring up belief in God?

* How does one reconcile God’s sovereignty and Satan being the prince of this world?

* Why does the Lord’s Prayer say, “Lead us not into temptation,” when leading us into temptation isn’t part of his nature?


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