Acts 9:1 - 9:25

ActsSteve Gregg
Steve Gregg presents an analysis of Acts 9, a chapter that details the conversion of Paul, a central figure in Christianity. Gregg explains that the story of Paul's encounter with Jesus is told three times in the book of Acts, though with slight variations. He also notes that Paul's conversion led him to understand the concept of the church as the body of Christ, and that hurting Christians only hurts Jesus. Gregg further explores the skepticism that Paul faced as a professed apostle and highlights the praise given to the church in Ephesus for their actions in testing and exposing false apostles.
More from Acts
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Next in this series
Acts 9:26 - 9:43
In Acts 9:26-9:43, Steve Gregg explains the story of Saul's conversion and his struggles to join the disciples in Jerusalem. Barnabas played a key rol
15 of 30

Acts 10
In Acts 10, Steve Gregg explains how the story of Cornelius emphasizes the inclusion of Gentiles in the kingdom of God and the importance of evangelis
12 of 30

Acts 8:26 - 8:40
In this passage, Philip evangelizes an Ethiopian eunuch who was likely a Gentile and was reading from the book of Isaiah. This encounter sets a preced
Series by Steve Gregg

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