Exodus 4

ExodusSteve Gregg
Exodus 4 covers Moses' commission to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, starting with his encounter with God through a burning bush. Despite Moses' objections, God assures him of His presence and equips him with signs and wonders to convince Pharaoh to release the Israelites. Aaron is appointed as Moses' spokesman, and they both face resistance from Pharaoh, who imposes harsher burdens on the Israelites. However, God's plan prevails, and the Israelites worship Him, anticipating their deliverance.
More from Exodus
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Next in this series
Exodus 5:1 - 7:7
In Exodus 5:1-7:7, Moses and Aaron ask Pharaoh to let the Israelites go for three days to worship God, but Pharaoh refuses and makes their work harder
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Exodus 7:8 - 8:32
In Exodus 7:8 - 8:32, the plagues inflicted on Egypt were examples of God's power and judgement over the gods of Egypt. The plagues, which lasted for
3 of 25

Exodus 1-3
In Exodus 1-3, the Israelites were enslaved by the Pharaoh of the Hyksos dynasty in Egypt. The Pharaoh subjected them to hard labor and ordered the ki
Series by Steve Gregg

Song of Songs
Delve into the allegorical meanings of the biblical Song of Songs and discover the symbolism, themes, and deeper significance with Steve Gregg's insig

3 John
In this series from biblical scholar Steve Gregg, the book of 3 John is examined to illuminate the early developments of church government and leaders

The Beatitudes
Steve Gregg teaches through the Beatitudes in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount.

A thorough analysis of the book of Isaiah by Steve Gregg, covering various themes like prophecy, eschatology, and the servant songs, providing insight

Genuinely Following Jesus
Steve Gregg's lecture series on discipleship emphasizes the importance of following Jesus and becoming more like Him in character and values. He highl

Steve Gregg teaches verse by verse through the book of Ezra, providing historical context, insights, and commentary on the challenges faced by the Jew

1 Kings
Steve Gregg teaches verse by verse through the book of 1 Kings, providing insightful commentary on topics such as discernment, building projects, the

Toward a Radically Christian Counterculture
Steve Gregg presents a vision for building a distinctive and holy Christian culture that stands in opposition to the values of the surrounding secular

Gospel of Luke
In this 32-part series, Steve Gregg provides in-depth commentary and historical context on each chapter of the Gospel of Luke, shedding new light on i

The Jewish Roots Movement
"The Jewish Roots Movement" by Steve Gregg is a six-part series that explores Paul's perspective on Torah observance, the distinction between Jewish a
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