
Exodus 11 - 12

ExodusSteve Gregg

Exodus 11-12 narrates the final plague of three days of darkness, which failed to make Pharaoh relent, and the death of the firstborns in Egypt, including Pharaoh's own firstborn. The Israelites were instructed to mark their doors with lamb's blood and eat unleavened bread and bitter herbs, while the Passover feast and week-long Feast of Unleavened Bread were to be celebrated as memorial events throughout the generations. The Passover ceremony represents Christian life without malice and wickedness and Christ's protection of his followers, and symbolizes the avoidance of spiritual leaven and the embrace of sincerity and truth.


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Series by Steve Gregg

Steve Gregg provides a verse-by-verse analysis and teaching on the book of Micah, exploring the prophet's prophecies of God's judgment, the birthplace
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A thorough analysis of the book of Isaiah by Steve Gregg, covering various themes like prophecy, eschatology, and the servant songs, providing insight
In this six-part series, Steve Gregg provides verse-by-verse commentary on the book of Galatians, discussing topics such as true obedience, faith vers
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Making Sense Out Of Suffering
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What Are We to Make of Israel
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