April 23rd: Numbers 20 & Mark 14:26-52

Miriam and Aaron die and Moses is judged for striking the rock. Strike the shepherd.
Some passages referenced:
Leviticus 14 (the law of cleansing the leper); Hosea 4:16, 10:11 (Israel as heifer); Exodus 15:22-26, 17:1-7 (the water crises at Marah and at Massah and Meribah); Exodus 2:1-10 (Moses drawn out of the water); Deuteronomy 3:26, Psalm 106:32-33, Numbers 27:12-14, Deuteronomy 32:50-51 (later reflections on Moses’ sin at Meribah); Numbers 11:21-23 (Moses’ doubt about the Lord’s provision of food); Exodus 23:20 (led by the angel); Numbers 35:32 (high priest dying, releasing those in the cities of refuge); Numbers 19:2-4 (Eleazar’s involvement in the ashes of red heifer).
Psalms 113-114, 115-118 (psalms before and after the Passover meal); Zechariah 13:7 (strike the shepherd); 2 Samuel 20:9-10 (betrayal with a kiss); Isaiah 53:12 (numbered among the transgressors); Amos 2:16 (the man fleeing naked); Mark 13:15-16 (the man leaving his cloak behind in the field); Mark 13:33-37 (the necessity of wakefulness).
Reflections upon the readings from the ACNA Book of Common Prayer (http://bcp2019.anglicanchurch.net/).
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