April 13th: Numbers 6 & Mark 9:1-29

The Nazirite. The Transfiguration.
Some passages referenced:
Numbers 5:2-3 (the holiness of the camp); Leviticus 27 (vows); 2 Samuel 11:6-13, 1 Samuel 21:4-6, Deuteronomy 23:9-14 (consecration and wartime); Leviticus 25:5, 11 (untrimmed hair and unpruned vines); Leviticus 10:9 (the priests and wine); Leviticus 21:10-12 (the high priest and dead bodies); Judges 13:3-5, 1 Samuel 1:11, Luke 1:13-15, Acts 18:18 (Nazirites and vows in Scripture); Leviticus 8:22-29 (priestly ordination); Leviticus 4:32 (a ewe lamb for a commoner’s sacrifice); 1 Chronicles 23:13 (the Aaronic priesthood and blessing); Psalm 67, 121 (allusions to the blessing).
2 Peter 1:16-18 (Peter refers to the Transfiguration); Exodus 24:16-18 (six days before ascending the mountain); Deuteronomy 32:5, 20 (faithless generation).
Reflections upon the readings from the ACNA Book of Common Prayer (http://bcp2019.anglicanchurch.net/).
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