April 3rd: Leviticus 1 & Mark 2:23—3:12
Alastair RobertsApril 3rd: Leviticus 1 & Mark 2:23—3:12
The sacrificial system. The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.
Some passages referenced:
Leviticus 21-22 (qualifications for priests and sacrifices); Exodus 29:38-43 (the burnt offering as the core daily sacrifice); Leviticus 3:1 (the peace offering can be female); Leviticus 4:28, 32 (purification offering for a commoner needs to be a female goat or lamb); Genesis 15 (the cutting of the covenant with Abram); Exodus 3:4, 19:3 (God calling Moses and speaking to him); Exodus 33:7 (tent of meeting prior to the tabernacle).
1 Samuel 21:1-7 (David and the shewbread); Matthew 12:1-8 (parallel passage in Matthew); 1 Kings 13:1-6 (the withering of Jeroboam’s hand).
Reflections upon the readings from the ACNA Book of Common Prayer (http://bcp2019.anglicanchurch.net/).
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