March 31st: Exodus 38 & Mark 1:14-31

The bronze altar, laver, and courtyard. Jesus begins his Galilean ministry.
Some passages referenced:
Leviticus 9:24 (the fire of the altar first coming from God); Exodus 21:14 (refuge and the altar); 1 Kings 1:50-53, 2:28-34 (grabbing the horns of the altar for refuge); Amos 3:14 (altars desecrated by removing their horns); Numbers 35:25-28 (the high priest and sanctuary); Leviticus 4-5 (different placing of blood, depending upon the person who sinned); Numbers 5:17 (holy water for the suspected adulteress to drink); 1 Samuel 2:22 (the serving women); Numbers 4:23 (serving men); Exodus 30:11-16 (the census tax); Numbers 1:46, 2:32 (603,550 persons).
Jeremiah 16:16 (fishers of men from exile); 1 Kings 19:19-21 (Elijah calls Elisha); 1 Samuel 16:23 (David relieving Saul of the harmful spirit); 1 Samuel 17:16 (Goliath standing against Israel for forty days); Luke 8:1-3 (women serving Christ).
Reflections upon the readings from the ACNA Book of Common Prayer (
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