February 24th: Acts 1:15-26 & Matthew 9:35—10:23

The choice of Matthias as replacement for Judas. Jesus sends out the Twelve.
Psalm 69:25, 109:8 (Scriptures fulfilled in Judas); John 13:18, Psalm 41:9, 2 Samuel 15:12 (the familiar friend who betrays); 2 Samuel 15:23, 16:1-14, Luke 22:39-46, Matthew 26:47, John 18:1-11 (Jesus follows the same route as David); 2 Samuel 17:23, Matthew 27:3-10 (Ahithophel and Judas hang themselves); 2 Samuel 18:6-15 (Absalom, the rebellious son of David, hung on a tree); 2 Samuel 20:8-12 (Joab's treacherous assassination of Amasa); 1 Kings 2:28-35 (the removal of Joab from office); Acts 15:7-9 (the choice of the Spirit).
1 Kings 22:17 (sheep without shepherds); Number 27:16-18 (the appointment of Joshua); Ezekiel 34:2-6, 11-16 (God judging and replacing the wicked shepherds); Matthew 4:23 (Jesus' own pattern of ministry); Mark 3:16-18, Luke 6:14-16, Acts 1:13 (other lists of the Twelve); Numbers 13 (spies sent into Canaan); Joshua 2 (Rahab shelters the spies); Genesis 18—19 (Abraham's hospitality and Sodom's inhospitality); Matthew 25:31-46 (the Sheep and the Goats).
Reflections upon the readings from the ACNA Book of Common Prayer (http://bcp2019.anglicanchurch.net/).
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