Q&A#91 The Trinity in the OT, the Faith of OT Believers, the Angel of the Lord

Today's question:
"A number of years ago there was a lot of debate in certain circles in the UK revolving around these topics: the degree to which Christ/the Trinity is explicitly present in the OT; the nature of the Angel of the Lord; relatedly the object of believers' faith in the OT (did OT saints trust consciously and explicitly in the Son?); the degree to which revelation is progressive from the OT to the NT. A lot of these threads were explored in the Blackham-Goldsworthy debate: http://www.theologian.org.uk/bible/blackham.html
What are your views on these topics? Some more specific questions might be:
- Does the OT, read on its own terms, clearly present a unipersonal God or a binitatian/Trinitarian God? Or does it murkily present the latter?
- How were OT believers saved? Through explicit faith in the Son, or through other means?
- Who is the Angel of the Lord?"
Within my discussion, I reference Meredith Kline's 'Images of the Spirit' (https://amzn.to/2F8qnSe), which I've also recently summarized here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTgNSed-O1A). I also mention 'Echoes of Exodus' (https://amzn.to/2DomRl3).
If you have any questions, you can leave them on my Curious Cat account: https://curiouscat.me/zugzwanged.
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