Afghanistan, Olympics, & Mars Hill

Catching up with friends after a long summer is one of the great joys of life. In this first episode of Season 4, Kevin, Collin, and Justin chat about some of their summer activities as well as some of the events that are currently happening in our world. They range from the serious (How should we pray for the Church in Afghanistan?) to the silly (Cornhole must become an Olympic sport!) You will discover some intriguing book recommendations too.
Life and Books and Everything is sponsored by Crossway, publisher of Rediscover Church: Why the Body of Christ Is Essential, by Collin Hansen & Jonathan Leeman.
In Rediscover Church, Collin and Jonathan discuss why church is essential for believers and God’s mission. Through biblical references and personal stories, they show readers God’s true intention for corporate gathering: to spiritually strengthen members as individuals and the body of Christ. In an age of church-shopping and livestreamed services, rediscover why the future of the church relies on believers gathering regularly as the family of God.
In partnership with 9Marks and The Gospel Coalition, Crossway is planning to distribute 400,000 copies of Rediscover Church to Christians throughout the US and invites pastors and leaders to request 20 free print copies of the book (with free shipping) for use in their churches. Offer available while supplies last.
For 30% off this book and all other books and Bibles at Crossway, sign up for a free Crossway+ account at
Welcome Back [0:00 – 1:04]
20 Free Copies of Rediscover Church for Your Church [1:04 – 4:12]
Praying for the Church in Afghanistan [4:12 – 12:55]
Field of Dreams Game [12:55 – 21:55]
Olympics [21:55 – 32:01]
The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill [32:01 – 52:05]
Summer Book Report [52:05 – 1:07:09]
Books and Everything:
Rediscover Church: Why the Body of Christ Is Essential, by Collin Hansen & Jonathan Leeman
Churchill: Walking with Destiny, by Andrew Roberts
Reading the Times: A Literary and Theological Inquiry into the News, by JeffreyBilbro
Faithful Presence: The Promise and the Peril of Faith in the Public Square, byBill Haslam
The Gospel according to Daniel: A Christ-Centered Approach, by Bryan Chappel
Daniel: An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries), by Paul House
Hearing the Message of Daniel: Sustaining Faith in Today’s World, by Christopher J.H. Wright
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