
Why Does It Matter Which Higher Power Someone Believes In?

#STRask — Stand to Reason

Why Does It Matter Which Higher Power Someone Believes In?

October 26, 2023
#STRaskStand to Reason

Questions about what to say to a Christian who doesn’t think it matters which higher power a person believes in, how to help friends see they’re attending an unhelpful or heretical church, whether it’s wrong to wish a dead loved one happy birthday, and when to leave a parachurch organization over theological differences.

* What should I say to a “lukewarm” Christian who says people need to believe in a higher power “even if it’s Buddha or something”?

* How do I help a Christian friend see that the church she’s attending is actually hindering her rather than helping?

* What would be a tactical approach to helping friends and family members realize they’re attending a church of a false teacher/heretic?

* Are Christians crossing a line into talking to the dead when they wish a happy heavenly birthday to their dead loved ones?

* How do I know when it’s time to leave a parachurch organization with which I disagree theologically?


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