John: Chapter-by-Chapter Commentary

00:00:00 - John 1.1-28: The Word Became Flesh and Dwelt Among Us
00:14:30 - John 1.29-51: "Behold, the Lamb of God!"
00:26:17 - John 2: The Wedding at Cana and Cleansing the Temple
00:38:31 - John 3.1-21: Nicodemus
00:49:43 - John 3.22-36: "He Must Increase, but I Must Decrease"
00:59:00 - John 4.1-26: The Samaritan Woman at the Well
01:11:55 - John 4.27-54: Healing the Official's Son
01:19:54 - John 5.1-24: Healing at the Pool
01:25:09 - John 5.25-47: The Son's Judgment
01:36:04 - John 6.1-21: Feeding the Five Thousand
01:45:20 - John 6.22-40: The Bread of Life
01:53:56 - John 6.41-71: Words of Eternal Life
02:02:18 - John 7.1-24: Jesus Goes Up to the Feast
02:08:56 - John 7.25-52: Promise of Living Water
02:17:32 - John 7.53—8.30: The Woman Caught in Adultery
02:32:11 - John 8.31-59: The Truth Will Set You Free
02:40:13 - John 9: The Healing of the Man Born Blind
02:49:13 - John 10.1-21: The Good Shepherd
02:57:53 - John 10.22-42: I and the Father are One
03:07:56 - John 11.1-44: Raising of Lazarus
03:17:40 - John 11.45-57: Plot to Kill Jesus
03:24:18 - John 12.1-19: Anointing at Bethany
03:34:34 - John 12.20-50: Triumphal Entry
03:42:37 - John 13: Washing the Disciples' Feet
03:56:32 - John 14.1-14: The Way, the Truth, and the Life
04:02:35 - John 14.15-31: Another Helper
04:09:26 - John 15.1-17: The True Vine
04:17:42 - John 15.18-27: The World Will Hate You
04:23:58 - John 16.1-15: The Spirit of Truth
04:29:35 - John 16.16-33: Sorrow to Joy
04:36:20 - John 17: Jesus' High Priestly Prayer
04:46:06 - John 18.1-27: Betrayal, Arrest, and Peter's Denial
04:53:08 - John 18.28-40: Jesus Before Pilate
04:59:00 - John 19.1-37: The Crucifixion
05:08:56 - John 19.38-42: Jesus' Burial
05:15:12 - John 20: Jesus' Resurrection
05:26:10 - John 21: Appearance at the Sea of Tiberius
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