Should you take a leap of faith? | Praveen Sethupathy

PART OF A SPECIAL 6-WEEK SERIES | This season, we’ve talked with people at the intersection of science and God — scientists, mathematicians, engineers, and a historian of science — all of whom are Christians. For them, they see no fundamental conflict between their faith in God and their faith in science. But what about you? Are you skeptical? For our final episode, we talk with Dr. Praveen Sethupathy, a genomics researcher and professor at Cornell University, about his journey to Christianity. Praveen’s interest in Christianity grew as he was developing his skills as a scientist — and he used those skills to approach the Christian faith. Listen to learn how you can reason through what you believe — and why — and what to do when you find yourself with gaps of knowledge in front of and behind you. Like what you heard? Rate and review Beyond the Forum on Apple Podcasts to help more people discover our episodes. And, get updates on more ideas that shape our lives by signing up for our email newsletter at Thanks for listening!
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