Some Problems Can't Be Solved | Satyan Devadoss

PART OF A SPECIAL 6-WEEK SERIES | What happens when you try to solve for something that can’t be solved—like what should you do with your life? Can you find joy even when there’s not an answer? In today’s episode, we talk about curiosity and awe with Dr. Satyan Devadoss, a math professor at UC San Diego. Satyan *loves* math, but not because it’s useful, or a good problem-solving tool. In fact, he loves math because it leads to many more UNsolved problems. Most of Satyan’s time as a mathematician is spent on difficult, “wicked” problems, and he says that we can’t—and sometimes shouldn’t—solve everything. Like what you heard? Rate and review us on Apple Podcasts to help more people discover our episodes. And, join the conversation on our Instagram, @veritasforum. You can see our full slate of speakers, learn more about our production team and co-sponsors, and read full show notes at
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