
Parables of Lost Things (Part 2)

The Life and Teachings of Christ
The Life and Teachings of ChristSteve Gregg

In "Parables of Lost Things (Part 2)", Steve Gregg delves into the story of the prodigal son from Luke 15. He discusses the cultural context of the time and how the young son's actions would have been scandalous in Middle Eastern culture. Gregg draws parallels between the story and the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. He emphasizes the importance of repentance and acknowledging one's actions against God, rather than just oneself or others. In the end, Gregg highlights the Father's forgiveness and generosity toward his wayward son, serving as an example of God's love for all.


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Series by Steve Gregg

Gospel of Matthew
Gospel of Matthew
Spanning 72 hours of teaching, Steve Gregg's verse by verse teaching through the Gospel of Matthew provides a thorough examination of Jesus' life and
2 John
2 John
This is a single-part Bible study on the book of 2 John by Steve Gregg. In it, he examines the authorship and themes of the letter, emphasizing the im
Steve Gregg's 29-part series teaching verse by verse through the book of Romans, discussing topics such as justification by faith, reconciliation, and
The Tabernacle
The Tabernacle
"The Tabernacle" is a comprehensive ten-part series that explores the symbolism and significance of the garments worn by priests, the construction and
Original Sin & Depravity
Original Sin & Depravity
In this two-part series by Steve Gregg, he explores the theological concepts of Original Sin and Human Depravity, delving into different perspectives
Steve Gregg provides a thought-provoking analysis of the book of Joel, exploring themes of judgment, restoration, and the role of the Holy Spirit.
Word of Faith
Word of Faith
"Word of Faith" by Steve Gregg is a four-part series that provides a detailed analysis and thought-provoking critique of the Word Faith movement's tea
1 Timothy
1 Timothy
In this 8-part series, Steve Gregg provides in-depth teachings, insights, and practical advice on the book of 1 Timothy, covering topics such as the r
Cultivating Christian Character
Cultivating Christian Character
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In this 10-part series, Steve Gregg provides verse by verse teachings and insights through the book of Ephesians, emphasizing themes such as submissio
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