Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare

Steve Gregg

In "Spiritual Warfare," Steve Gregg explores the tactics of the devil, the methods to resist Satan's devices, the concept of demonic possession, and the advantages and aggressive attitude of Christians in spiritual warfare while emphasizing the importance of biblical truth, perseverance, and reliance on God's authority and intercession of Jesus. Gregg also challenges common assumptions about the origin of Satan and discusses the Armor of God in a spiritual context.

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In this discourse, Steve Gregg delves into the concept of spiritual warfare and emphasizes that victory cannot be attained without confronting the darkness within ourselves. He provides an analysis of Biblical teachings to suggest that Christians play a critical role in stemming the tide of demonic

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Origin of Satan

Origin of Satan

In this talk, Steve Gregg challenges common assumptions about the origin of Satan. Gregg argues that there is no biblical basis for the belief that Satan was once an angel, and that biblical passages often used to support such beliefs are actually referring to other figures or using symbolic languag

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Satan's Allies and Activities

Satan's Allies and Activities

In this discussion, Steve Gregg delves into the activities of Satan and his allies, exploring their opposition to God and their war against him. He offers various interpretations of scripture concerning Satan and his demons, and suggests that fallen angels may be among those who fell from God's grac

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The Continuing Campaign

The Continuing Campaign

In this talk, Steve Gregg discusses the battle between Satan and God's people, emphasizing the importance of spiritual survival over physical survival. He encourages Christians to embrace biblical truth and reject cultural norms that contradict it, even if it means standing alone. He also emphasizes

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The Christian's Advantage

The Christian's Advantage

In "The Christian's Advantage," Steve Gregg discusses the advantages that Christians have in spiritual warfare. He asserts that the enemy has lost ground considerably, as the gospel continues to spread and Christian conviction shapes worldviews in society. Christians have the edge, as they are able

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The Armor of God

The Armor of God

Steve Gregg discusses the concept of the Armor of God in a spiritual context, referencing the teachings of Paul in the Bible. He emphasizes the importance of truth, righteousness, salvation, faith, and prayer in serving as "armor" for the Christian in times of spiritual battle. Gregg breaks down the

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Recognizing the Devil's Devices

Recognizing the Devil's Devices

In this message, Steve Gregg discusses the devil's tactics and how Christians can recognize and avoid them. He emphasizes the importance of being vigilant and aware of the traps the devil sets, and not falling for his deceptive tactics. Gregg notes that the devil often speaks through trusted individ

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Resisting Satan's Devices

Resisting Satan's Devices

In "Resisting Satan's Devices," Steve Gregg discusses the principle methods Satan uses to attack and deceive Christians. He advises Christians to resist these devices by using the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, as well as prayer and fasting. Gregg emphasizes the importance of staying

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Bondage and Deliverance (Part 1)

Bondage and Deliverance (Part 1)

In this discourse, Steve Gregg discusses demonic possession and deliverance based on his experiences with missionary work in Manila and encounters with possessed individuals. He asserts that Christians are not exempt from possession and that it is important to understand the realm of demonology in o

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Bondage and Deliverance (Part 2)

Bondage and Deliverance (Part 2)

Steve Gregg discusses the topic of demon possession and the authority of the Kingdom of God over the Kingdom of Darkness. He emphasizes the message of liberation and provides examples from the Bible that suggest indicators of demon possession, such as fiercely blasphemous behavior. While Gregg ackno

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Bondage and Deliverance (Part 3)

Bondage and Deliverance (Part 3)

In this segment, Steve Gregg discusses the topic of demonic possession and bondage, emphasizing the need for caution when approaching these subjects due to the prevalence of speculation and sensationalism. While he acknowledges that certain sins may lead to physical maladies, he cautions that theori

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Spiritual Aggression

Spiritual Aggression

In "Spiritual Aggression," Steve Gregg discusses the aggressive and forward-moving aspect of spiritual warfare. He highlights the need for Christians to adopt an aggressive attitude towards the invasion of the devil's territory, with the support of scripture that emphasizes the importance of perseve

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