2 Thessalonians
Steve Gregg
A thought-provoking biblical analysis by Steve Gregg on 2 Thessalonians, exploring topics such as the concept of rapture, martyrdom in church history, God's election, and the endurance of early Christian communities.

2 Thessalonians 1-2
Steve Gregg delves into the theme of thanksgiving and the endurance of tribulations within the early Christian community. Gregg explores how the church faced persecution and the need for believers to continue in faith despite suffering. The letter also touches on the concept of the day of the Lord,

2 Thessalonians 2-3
In this analysis of 2 Thessalonians 2-3, Steve Gregg explores the concept of the rapture and the rise of the little horn in Daniel. He challenges the belief in a separate time for the rapture and suggests that martyrdom has been a common occurrence throughout church history. Gregg also delves into t