Bible Book Overviews
Steve Gregg
Steve Gregg provides comprehensive overviews of books in the Old and New Testaments, highlighting key themes, messages, and prophesies while exploring their biblical significance and relevance to the Christian life.

Genesis Overview
In this overview of the book of Genesis, Steve Gregg highlights its significance as a historical account of the origins of the universe, human society, and religious beliefs. While some may view the first eleven chapters as unreliable myths, Christians believe them to be accurate and essential to un

Exodus Overview
In this overview of the book of Exodus, Steve Gregg discusses the historical background and events surrounding the Israelites' departure from slavery in Egypt. He also addresses scholarly debates about the authorship of the book, as well as the significance of the Exodus narrative in relation to the

Leviticus Overview (Part 1)
In this overview, Steve Gregg discusses the Book of Leviticus, which mainly deals with Jewish rituals and practices. The theme of holiness is central to Leviticus, and it contains many laws that pertain to morality and the punishment of wrongdoing. While some of the laws may seem severe by modern st

Leviticus Overview (Part 2)
In his overview of Leviticus, Steve Gregg highlights the book's emphasis on worship, submission to God's will, and love for one's neighbor. Leviticus covers the sacrificial system, consecration of priests, and building of the tabernacle, all of which foreshadow Christ's sacrifice and cleansing of be

Numbers Overview
In this overview of the Book of Numbers, Steve Gregg highlights its biblical significance and relevance to Christian life. Though sometimes disliked for its numerical content, Numbers tells the story of the Israelites' wilderness wanderings and their rebellion against God. The New Testament repeated

Deuteronomy Overview
In this comprehensive overview, Steve Gregg explores the significance and content of the fifth book of the Pentateuch, Deuteronomy. As a restatement of the earlier laws given by Moses, the book reminds the Israelites of the importance of living according to God's laws. The book features extensively

Joshua Overview (Part 1)
In this overview, Steve Gregg discusses the book of Joshua, which covers the history of Israel from the time of Moses’ death to the Babylonian exile in 586 BC. Joshua was chosen by God to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land and his leadership and obedience to God's commands were essential in

Joshua Overview (Part 2)
In this overview, Steve Gregg explores the historical debate among Christians about involving in military warfare, citing the early church fathers' views on loving enemies and not fighting wars. He notes that while the Bible teaches that God judges nations, Christians should not necessarily condemn

Judges Overview
In this overview of the book of Judges, Steve Gregg highlights the unique nature of this Old Testament book, which features a series of heroes who rose to power in times of crisis. Without a centralized government or king, Israel was governed by charismatic leaders whom God raised up to deliver the

Ruth Overview (Part 1)
In this overview of the Book of Ruth, Steve Gregg highlights the strong undercurrent of God's providence in orchestrating events. The story follows an exceptional woman, Ruth, who becomes an ancestor of Jesus Christ. Written during the reign of David and attributed to the prophet Samuel, the book of

Ruth Overview (Part 2)
In this overview of the book of Ruth, Steve Gregg highlights its relevance for Christian theology. The inclusion of Gentile women in Jesus' genealogy challenges the idea of Jewish exclusivity and illustrates God's acceptance of non-Jewish individuals in Israel. Boaz, the kinsman redeemer in the book

1 & 2 Samuel Overview
In this overview, Steve Gregg covers the book of 1 & 2 Samuel, which was written by three prophets: Samuel, Nathan, and Gad. The book covers 140 years of Israel's history, including the reigns of Saul and David. Samuel played a significant role in the history of Israel, anointing both Saul and David

1 Kings
1 Kings is a book in the Hebrew Bible that covers Israel's history from the death of King David to the destruction of the nation, including the division of the kingdom. The book focuses on the reigns of various kings in both the Northern and Southern Kingdoms, with some being good and others being w

2 Kings
In "2 Kings", Ahab is succeeded by his son Ahaziah, who consults the false god Baal Zebub before dying after being told by Elijah that he would. Elijah mentors Elisha and performs various miracles, some of which are similar to those performed by Jesus. The book covers the First Temple period in whic

Chronicles Overview (Part 1)
In "Chronicles Overview (Part 1)," Steve Gregg provides an in-depth look at the Old Testament book of Chronicles. The book covers Israel's history from Adam to Cyrus's decree allowing Jews to return from exile and rebuild the temple, placing a strong focus on the southern kingdom of Judah and the im

Chronicles Overview (Part 2)
In this overview, Steve Gregg details the differences between Chronicles and Samuel Kings, emphasizing the additional material in Chronicles, such as genealogies and David's song of praise. The book of Chronicles mainly focuses on the building of the Temple by Solomon and the reigns of various kings

Ezra Overview
In this overview provided by Steve Gregg, the books of Ezra and Nehemiah are discussed as being originally one book in the Hebrew Bible but were separated in the Greek Septuagint. The focus is on Ezra, who was likely the author of both Chronicles and Ezra, and led a wave of exiles back to Jerusalem

Overview of Nehemiah
In this overview of Nehemiah, presented by Steve Gregg, the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem by the Jewish people is highlighted as a symbol of building a spiritual edifice in the New Testament church. Nehemiah, a layman and strong leader reliant on divine guidance, successfully completed the ta

Esther Overview
In this overview, Steve Gregg discusses the Book of Esther in the Bible. Though it is a secular story with no mention of religious activities, the book depicts God intervening to deliver His people. Esther, a Jew who becomes queen of Persia, helps save the Jews from extinction with the help of her c

Job Overview (Part 1)
In "Job Overview (Part 1)", Steve Gregg provides insights into the book of Job, a poetic and wisdom literature book of the Old Testament. The book grapples with the theological question of why suffering exists in a world believed to be created by a benevolent God. Job's sufferings, according to Greg

Job Overview (Part 2)
In this overview, Steve Gregg discusses the story of Job, a wealthy man considered righteous by God who undergoes severe trials at the hands of Satan. Despite losing everything he had, Job remains faithful to God, and eventually receives restoration from Him. Gregg emphasizes the importance of trust

Job Overview (Q&A)
In this Q&A, Steve Gregg delves into the question of why good people suffer and how it relates to the fundamental value of the universe, God's glory. He looks at the story of Job, who saw God's actions as just despite the suffering he endured. Gregg also discusses the importance of having a relation

Psalms Overview (Part 1)
In this informative overview, Steve Gregg discusses the book of Psalms in the Old Testament, highlighting its unique features as a collection of poetry containing prayers, praises, and prophetic messages. Gregg notes the use of parallelism and acrostic poems as common features in Hebrew poetry and t

Psalms Overview (Part 2)
In this overview, Steve Gregg explores the different categories of Psalms, including Messianic, penitential, and imprecatory Psalms. He discusses how imprecatory Psalms, while expressing a wish for harm or curse upon one's enemies, can be appropriate in the context of spiritual warfare and oppositio

Proverbs Overview (Part 1)
In this overview of the Book of Proverbs, Steve Gregg emphasizes the importance of wisdom and how it extends beyond mere intellect to include moral and spiritual aspects. The book's author, King Solomon, was known for his wisdom, but also made moral mistakes that sometimes neutralized the impact of

Proverbs Overview (Part 2)
In this insightful overview, Steve Gregg delivers an in-depth analysis of Proverbs, a book of the Old Testament, focusing on its lessons on wise living and character. Gregg highlights the importance of observing human nature and God's providence, paying attention to the consequences of one's choices

Ecclesiastes Overview
In his overview of the book of Ecclesiastes, Steve Gregg explains that the authorship of the book is attributed to King Solomon, though some scholars doubt this. The book's overarching theme is the pursuit of fulfillment and meaning in life, which can only be found through devotion to God rather tha

Song of Solomon (Overview)
In this overview, Steve Gregg delves into the Song of Solomon, a short but passionate love story between a man and woman in the Bible. The book uses sexually explicit language, metaphorical language, and depicts a monogamous, lifelong, covenanted relationship between the two characters. Although the

Isaiah Overview (Part 1)
In this overview of Isaiah by Steve Gregg, we learn that Isaiah was a prophet, poet, historian, and statesman who had significant political influence across various kings in his time. His book is divided into two sections, the first dealing with the threat from Assyria, and the second with the threa

Isaiah Overview (Part 2)
In this overview, Steve Gregg discusses the authorship and themes of the Book of Isaiah, as well as some controversies surrounding it. While some scholars debate whether Isaiah wrote the entire book, the Dead Sea Scrolls and New Testament suggest otherwise. He also touches on the significance of the

Jeremiah Overview
In this overview, Steve Gregg delves into the historical context and major themes of the book of Jeremiah in the Bible. Jeremiah, a true prophet who countered false prophets, prophesied the destruction and captivity of Judah by Babylon and accurately predicted that they would be in captivity for 70

Lamentations Overview
In this overview of the book of Lamentations, Steve Gregg highlights several key features of the text, including its likely authorship by Jeremiah and its inclusion in the Megaloth rather than the prophetic books of the Jewish Bible. Despite its primarily negative tone, the book also contains expres

Ezekiel Overview (Part 1)
In this discussion, Steve Gregg offers an overview of the book of Ezekiel, which is often considered the most difficult book in the Old Testament. Ezekiel, a priest during the Babylonian captivity, prophesied judgment for Jerusalem before its fall, as well as messages of comfort and restoration for

Ezekiel Overview (Part 2)
In this overview, Steve Gregg discusses the major visions and significant parts of the book of Ezekiel, including difficult passages such as the one where he bears the iniquity of the house of Judah for forty days. Gregg explains that Ezekiel foretells the siege and destruction of Jerusalem, and als

Daniel Overview (Part 1)
In this overview of the book of Daniel, Steve Gregg emphasizes the importance of its fulfilled prophecies which suggest divine inspiration. He explains that the book follows the story of Daniel and his friends who remain faithful to their beliefs despite being taken captive in Babylon. The book cont

Daniel Overview (Part 2)
In "Daniel Overview (Part 2)" by Steve Gregg, the accuracy of the book of Daniel and its prophecies are discussed. While some critics have attempted to disprove the book's inspiration as scripture, many events recorded in it are supported by secular history. The discussion covers various aspects of

Hosea Overview (Part 1)
In this overview of Hosea by Steve Gregg, we learn that Hosea was a prophet in the Northern Kingdom during a time of spiritual decline and idol worship. Gregg explains that the book of Hosea includes a personal story of Hosea's marriage as a metaphor for God's relationship with Israel. Additionally,

Hosea Overview (Part 2)
In this overview of the book of Hosea, Steve Gregg delves into the historical context and symbolism found within its chapters. He notes that the book contains both a message of judgment for Israel's idolatry and rejection of prophets, as well as a message of salvation through the faithful remnant an

Joel Overview (Part 1)
In this overview, Steve Gregg explores the Book of Joel, a prophetic message of judgment and hope. The book describes a devastating locust plague that was seen as God's judgment on Judah, leading to starvation and a need for importation of food. However, the latter half of the book provides a messag

Joel Overview (Part 2)
In this overview of the book of Joel, Steve Gregg explains that the book is divided into two parts: the first dealing with the crisis of locusts in Joel's time, while the second part is about the age of the Messiah and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Gregg notes that while there is controversy su

Amos Overview (Part 1)
In this overview given by Steve Gregg, the prophet Amos is discussed in detail. Amos primarily prophesied to the northern kingdom of Israel, which had become corrupt with the worship of Yahweh mixed with pagan practices. Despite not being a member of the prophetic guilds, Amos fearlessly spoke out a

Amos Overview (Part 2)
In this overview of the book of Amos, Steve Gregg highlights the three major sections of the book: oracles against nations, sermons against Israel, and visions. He emphasizes God's special relationship with Israel and how their failure to keep the covenant led to judgment and disasters. Gregg also d

In his message, Steve Gregg discusses the prophetic book of Obadiah, the shortest book in the Old Testament that prophesies against the pagan people of Edom. Although related to Israel, the Edomites were hostile towards them and even looted Jerusalem, leading to God's judgment falling upon them. Oba

In "Jonah," Steve Gregg provides a thorough analysis of the biblical text of the book of Jonah. He highlights how the story of Jonah reflects God's willingness to forgive and offer repentance to those who turn away from evil. Gregg also explores the historical accuracy of the book and addresses comm

Micah Overview
Micah Overview, presented by Steve Gregg, provides an in-depth analysis of the life, prophecies, and teachings of Micah, a prophet who spoke on behalf of God and brought a complaint against the wrongdoing of the people of Israel. Through word plays and puns, Micah criticized the society for its trea

Nahum Overview
In this overview by Steve Gregg, the book of Nahum is explored, highlighting its unique perspective as a prophecy against the pagan nation of Assyria and the city of Nineveh. The prophecy predicts Nineveh's fall and the use of vivid language to describe the upcoming invasion. Despite the use of stro

Habakkuk Overview
In this overview, Steve Gregg discussed the book of Habakkuk, one of the minor prophets possibly contemporary with Jeremiah. The book focuses on God's actions and contains two cycles where the prophet complains to God and gets an answer back. Despite the perceived difficulties and troubles, the book

Haggai Overview
In this overview, Steve Gregg discusses the book of Haggai, a post-exilic prophetic work consisting of two chapters, which emphasizes God's displeasure with neglecting the rebuilding of His temple and prioritizing personal needs. Haggai encourages the people to carefully consider the foundation of t

Zechariah Overview (Part 1)
In this overview of the book of Zechariah, Steve Gregg explains that the prophet was a priest by birth and a prophet by calling who encouraged Jews to rebuild the temple after their exile in Babylon. The book heavily emphasizes repentance, judgment, and hope for the future restoration of Jerusalem.

Zechariah Overview (Part 2)
In this overview of the book of Zechariah, Steve Gregg delves into the prophet's messages regarding the Maccabean period and the Messianic age. He discusses the symbolism of the active parables, such as the creation of an elaborate crown set on the head of Joshua, the high priest, as a symbol of the

Zephaniah Overview
Zephaniah is often an overlooked book in the Bible that predicts the destruction of Judah because of their idolatry and lack of repentance. The book is divided into three chapters and uses powerful Hebrew poetry and metaphors to warn of the impending judgment that is coming. Despite punishment and w

Malachi Overview (Part 1)
In "Malachi Overview (Part 1)," Steve Gregg provides insights into the last book of the Old Testament, Malachi. Malachi's message warns the Israelites of God's impending judgment and rebukes the priests for not teaching the Law to the people. The book contains predictions of Christ and John the Bapt

Malachi Overview (Part 2)
In this overview of Malachi, Steve Gregg highlights the prophet's message to deliver a warning of coming judgment, emphasize the importance of tithing and highlight the significance of marriage as a sacred covenant. Malachi's writings reveal that God was not pleased with the sacrificial system, but

Matthew Overview (Part 1)
In this overview, Steve Gregg delves into the Gospel of Matthew, which he states is often considered the most important gospel and is often recommended to new Christians. Matthew contains a genealogy of Jesus that connects his teachings to the Old Testament and emphasizes the fulfillment of prophecy

Matthew Overview (Part 2)
In this overview of Matthew's Gospel, Steve Gregg highlights the unique content found in the book, including stories and teachings not found elsewhere. One notable inclusion is the Sermon on the Mount, which is exclusive to Matthew's Gospel. Gregg also discusses the structure of the Gospel, which is

Mark Overview
In "Mark Overview," Steve Gregg provides an in-depth analysis of the Gospel of Mark, focusing on its unique features and the historical context surrounding its writing. Despite often being considered the least interesting of the four Gospels, the book of Mark emphasizes Jesus' authority and compassi

Luke Overview
In this overview of the Gospel of Luke, Steve Gregg discusses the authorship and authenticity of the Gospel, as well as the unique stories and themes it contains. While the authorship of the Gospel has been debated, evidence from early church fathers suggests that Luke, the physician and companion o

John Overview
In "John Overview", Steve Gregg presents a thorough examination of the Gospel of John, highlighting its differences from the other synoptic gospels, such as its philosophical and theological nature and emphasis on Jesus' divinity. While the author of the Gospel of John is not explicitly named, it is

Acts Overview (Part 1)
In this overview given by Steve Gregg, the book of Acts is presented as a valuable account of the early spread of the gospel, particularly beyond Israel, and serves as a link between the gospels and the epistles. The community life of the early church is highlighted, with a focus on their preaching

Acts Overview (Part 2)
In his overview of the book of Acts, Steve Gregg outlines the four main sections of the book and their corresponding themes. The first section focuses on the early church in Jerusalem, with Peter as the main character, while the second section shifts to the missionary activities and arrest of Paul.

Romans Overview (Part 1)
This overview provides insight into the book of Romans, a crucial text in the New Testament. Written by Paul to the church in Rome, the book addresses tensions between Jewish and Gentile members of the church, focusing on the need for salvation and the remedy found in faith in Christ. Paul emphasize

Romans Overview (Part 2)
In this comprehensive overview of the second part of the book of Romans, Steve Gregg highlights some key themes and messages that are emphasized by Paul. The idea of faith is particularly significant throughout the book, as it involves both trust and faithfulness to God. While both Gentiles and Jews

Romans Overview (Part 3)
In this overview of the book of Romans, Steve Gregg highlights the two main sections of the book, namely theological and practical. The first eight chapters focus on the gospel, while chapters 9-11 concentrate on Israel and whether God's promises to them have been fulfilled. Throughout the book, Pau

Romans Overview (Part 4)
In this fourth part of his overview of Romans, Steve Gregg addresses the difficult passage in chapter five regarding the concept of original sin. He discusses the various beliefs held by Christians regarding the impact of Adam's sin on humanity and whether or not babies are born with a sinful nature

1st Corinthians Overview (Part 1)
In this overview of the book of 1 Corinthians, Steve Gregg highlights the various problems encountered by the church of Corinth such as divisions, sexual immorality, and challenges in accepting Christian purity and holiness. He emphasizes that followers of Christ should align themselves with Christ

1st Corinthians Overview (Part 2)
In this overview of 1 Corinthians, Steve Gregg emphasizes the importance of unity within the church. While there may be differing interpretations of scripture, Christians should strive for unity in Christ and avoid division. Paul's writings should be viewed as inspired truth conveyed through the uni

2nd Corinthians Overview (Part 1)
This overview of 2nd Corinthians by Steve Gregg covers the planting of the church in Corinth, the conflicts and opposition faced by Paul, and his defense of his apostleship. Gregg discusses various themes within the letter, such as the importance of forgiveness and the contrast between the old and n

2nd Corinthians Overview (Part 2)
Paul's message to the Corinthians in 2nd Corinthians emphasizes that ministry is not solely defined by structural or corporate authority, but rather by a real relationship with God and the body of Christ. He explains that the weakness and scars of ministry are evidence of God's power, urging Christi

Galatians (Overview) - Part 1
This overview of the book of Galatians by Steve Gregg explores the theme of Jewish law, specifically circumcision, and its relevance to Christians. Gregg emphasizes that Gentile believers are not required to be circumcised in order to follow God's righteousness. He also addresses the issue of false

Galatians (Overview) - Part 2
This overview of Galatians by Steve Gregg covers the remaining four chapters and delves into the essence of righteousness and faith in the Christian faith. Gregg explores the significance of the law and how it relates to the promise given to Abraham's seed. He also discusses the contrast between try

Ephesians (Overview) - Part 1
Delve into the depths of Ephesians with Steve Gregg as he provides a comprehensive overview of this profound New Testament book. Gregg highlights Ephesians as one of Paul's loftiest theological works, exploring its heavenly perspectives and rich revelations. He discusses the possible origins of the

Ephesians (Overview) - Part 2
Explore the rich teachings of Ephesians with Steve Gregg in this insightful overview. In this in-depth study, Gregg focuses on the significance of the church as the body of Christ, emphasizing the unity and identity believers share in Him. Addressing themes such as the heavenly blessings, spiritual

Philippians (Overview) - Part 1
In this insightful overview, Steve Gregg explores the book of Philippians in around 10-12 minutes. The letter highlights the apostle Paul's confidence in the good work of the gospel, expressing his hope for the salvation and spiritual growth of the Philippian church. Gregg delves into the historical

Philippians (Overview) - Part 2
Discover the key themes and powerful teachings found in the book of Philippians through an insightful overview provided by Steve Gregg. Gain a deeper understanding of the circumstances surrounding the writing of Philippians and its potential location. Explore the central theme of unity and like-mind

Colossians (Overview) - Part 1
Explore an insightful overview of the book of Colossians by renowned Bible scholar Steve Gregg. Covering the historical context of the Lycus River area, the cities near Colossae, and the early Christian community, Gregg sheds light on the possible time period when the book was written. He delves int

Colossians (Overview) - Part 2
In this overview of Colossians, Steve Gregg emphasizes the preeminence of Christ and the importance of living a truly Christian life. He delves into the themes of spiritual enlightenment and the revelation of truth, highlighting a potential early Christian hymn cited by Paul. Gregg discusses the sig

1 and 2 Thessalonians (Overview) - Part 1
Discover the early epistles of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, believed to be among the earliest writings of the apostle Paul. Emphasizing the message of allegiance to Jesus over Caesar, Paul nurtures the infant church as he travels from Thessalonica to Berea and Athens. These epistles address ongoing issues

1 and 2 Thessalonians (Overview) - Part 2
Discover the powerful themes of love, work ethics, and the Christian perspective on death and grieving in the Epistles of 1 and 2 Thessalonians. In these letters, written by the apostle Paul, he addresses issues such as sexual immorality, the importance of loving one another, the duty to work dilige

The Pastoral Epistles (Overview)
This overview explores the Pastoral Epistles written by Paul, focusing on their distinct vocabulary and their significance in the early church. The term "pastoral epistles" emerged in the early 1700s to refer to letters addressed to leaders like Timothy and Titus who oversaw congregations. While the

1 Timothy (Overview)
In this overview of 1 Timothy, Steve Gregg explores the themes, teachings, and admonitions of the book. He emphasizes the importance of sound doctrine and practical teaching, urging believers to prioritize good behavior over a mere system of beliefs. Gregg discusses various topics including the role