Gospel of Mark
Steve Gregg
Steve Gregg teaches verse by verse through the Gospel of Mark.
The Narrow Path is the radio and internet ministry of Steve Gregg, a servant Bible teacher to the body of Christ. Learn more about Steve's ministry at thenarrowpath.com.

Mark 1:1 - 1.11
Steve Gregg gives a thorough analysis of the Gospel of Mark, which focuses on the actions of Jesus and emphasizes the role of John the Baptist as his precursor. The baptism of Jesus is a significant event, as it marks the point when he receives the Holy Spirit and is identified as God's Son by the F

Mark 1:12 - 1:20
In this passage, Jesus is baptized by John and then immediately goes into the wilderness for 40 days, where he is tested and empowered. He successfully resists temptation and begins his ministry, calling individuals such as Peter, Andrew, James, and John to be his disciples. The concept of forsaking

Mark 1:21 - 1:39
In this exposition on Mark 1:21-1:39 by Steve Gregg, Jesus' teaching in the Capernaum synagogue is highlighted as an example of how Jesus spoke with authority, both with his own knowledge and even when he quoted authorities. The casting out of demons was a tangible display of this authority and evid

Mark 1:40 - 2:12
In this talk, Steve Gregg discusses the biblical story of Jesus healing a leper and forgiving the sins of a paralyzed man. He explores the concepts of sin and ceremonial uncleanness, and how Jesus' healing miracles serve to illustrate spiritual truths and demonstrate his power in the new covenant. G

Mark 2:13 - 2:28
In Mark 2:13-28, Steve Gregg delves into Jesus' actions and teachings surrounding the Sabbath and sinners. Jesus called on Levi, a tax collector, to follow him and dined with other sinners, which scandalized religious leaders. Jesus compared himself to a physician healing the sick and saw a connecti

Mark 3:1 - 3:19
In this segment, Steve Gregg delves into Mark 3:1 - 3:19, focusing on the controversies surrounding the Sabbath and the selection of Jesus' apostles. He explains how Jesus healed a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath, an action that irked the religious leaders of his time. Steve also explores ho

Mark 3:20 - 3:33
In this discussion, Steve Gregg explores Mark 3:20-33, highlighting the importance of the apostles' role in Jesus' ministry and their subsequent appointment as visible leaders of the church. He also addresses the false accusations made against Jesus by critics and the concept of blasphemy against th

Mark 4:1 - 4:34
In this lesson on Mark 4:1-34, Steve Gregg analyzes several parables of Jesus about the Kingdom of God. He discusses how some parables were intentionally ambiguous and meant for only those who truly hunger for the truth. Furthermore, he explores the importance of being receptive to the message and n

Mark 4:35 - 5:20
Steve Gregg provides an analysis of Mark 4:35-5:20, which centers on the story of Jesus crossing the Sea of Galilee and encountering a man possessed by demons. This passage highlights Jesus' dual nature as both human and divine, as he displays fatigue and exhaustion but also commands the storm and d

Mark 5:21 - 5:43
Steve Gregg delves into the significance of Mark 5:21-43, which describes two miracles performed by Jesus. The first miracle involves a woman who suffered from a 12-year issue of blood, and the second involves a 12-year-old girl close to death. Gregg discusses the importance of faith healing, and ho

Mark 6:1 - 6:29
In this passage, Jesus returned to his hometown to preach, but was met with skepticism from the people who knew him and his family. He sends out his twelve apostles to preach repentance and cast out demons, while instructing them to rely on the hospitality of others and trust in God's provision. The

Mark 6:30 - 7:16
In Mark 6:30 - 7:16, Jesus sends out his apostles and performs the miracle of feeding the 5,000 with just five loaves and two fish. The feeding of the 5,000 is significant in that it is recorded in all four gospels, and is associated with the tradition of the Messiah bringing bread to feed the multi

Mark 7:17 - 7:37
In Mark 7:17-7:37, Jesus teaches that moral purity stems from the heart and not from external actions or cleanliness. He declares that all foods are clean, eliminating the distinctions between clean and unclean foods observed by Jews, and stresses the importance of faith in receiving God's blessings

Mark 8:1 - 8:26
In Mark 8, Jesus engages in conflict with the Pharisees over Jewish law and shows compassion by healing a demon-possessed girl and feeding a crowd of 4,000. He warns his disciples against the teachings of the Pharisees and Herod and emphasizes stewardship and balancing trust in God with taking respo

Mark 8:27 - 8:38
In this passage, Peter identifies Jesus as the Messiah, and Jesus tells his disciples for the first time that he will soon be rejected, killed, and rise again in three days. Despite Peter's correct identification, he later rebukes Jesus for speaking of his coming death and resurrection, which Jesus

Mark 9:1 - 9:13
In Mark 9:1-13, there are varying interpretations about the specific event Jesus predicts, with some seeing it as referring to the end of the world while others see it as related to events in AD 70. The transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain, where his disciples were given a glimpse of his glorifi

Mark 9:14 - 9:50
In the passage of Mark 9:14-50, Jesus rebukes his disciples for their inability to cast out a demon from a possessed boy. He emphasizes the importance of humility, faith, and dependency on God for greatness in the Kingdom of God. Jesus warns against causing others, especially children, to stumble in

Mark 10:1 - 10:16
In "Mark 10:1-16," Steve Gregg discusses a controversial topic of divorce and remarriage, and the church's changing stance on the matter. Jesus cites Genesis 1 and 2 to argue that divorce goes against God's original plan for marriage, where two become one flesh, and what God has joined together, let

Mark 10:17 - 10:31
In this passage from Mark 10:17-31, Jesus encounters a man seeking to inherit eternal life. Jesus emphasizes the importance of loving one's neighbor and invites followers to achieve eternal life through consistent acts of love towards others, surrendering possessions to God, and following Jesus with

Mark 10:32 - 11:11
Steve Gregg provides a comprehensive analysis of Mark 10:32 - 11:11. Jesus predicts His death, rebukes James and John's request for positions of power, and emphasizes the importance of serving others. Blind Bartimaeus is healed, and Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on a donkey is a politically charged ac

Mark 11:12 - 11:33
In Mark 11:12-33, Steve Gregg discusses the events of Passion Week, highlighting Jesus' teachings about faith, forgiveness, and judgement. The story of the fig tree serves as a warning to Israel to produce "fruit" or face judgement, while the cleansing of the temple reveals Jesus' disapproval of the

Mark 12:1 - 12:27
In this discourse, Steve Gregg examines the confrontations between Jesus and those who attempted to ensnare Him with their trickery. Jesus relates two parables that illustrate the rejection of God's messengers and the coming destruction of Jerusalem, and later addresses the question of whether Jews

Mark 12:28 - 12:44
In this presentation, Steve Gregg discusses various events during the final week of Jesus' life, including his teachings on loving one's neighbor and the importance of relationships with God and others. He also highlights the vulnerability of widows and orphans during ancient Israel and admonishes r

Mark 13 (Part 1)
Steve Gregg delves into a biblical exegesis of Mark 13, revealing that Jesus speaks mainly about the coming destruction of Jerusalem and Israel, along with the persecution of his disciples. The phrase "this generation" refers to the people living at the time, rather than a future generation, and the

Mark 13 (Part 2)
In this discussion, Steve Gregg examines Mark 13's prediction of the destruction of the temple and the signs that foreshadow it. He highlights the importance of standing firm in faith amidst persecution, and the promised guidance of the Holy Spirit in times of trial. However, he emphasizes that the

Mark 14:1 - 14:31
Steve Gregg offers a thorough analysis of Mark 14:1-31, which includes the story of Jesus' anointing in Bethany, six days before the Passover. Gregg explores the chronological issue presented in this passage and offers two possible solutions. He discusses Judas Iscariot's betrayal of Jesus and the t

Mark 14:32 - 14:72
In this analysis of Mark 14:32-14:72, Steve Gregg examines the account of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, the Last Supper, the betrayal by Judas, and Peter's denial. Gregg also delves into the philosophical complexities of God's foreknowledge and human free will, highlighting the importance of re

Mark 15:1 - 15:32
Steve Gregg provides a comprehensive examination of Mark 15:1-32, which describes how Jesus underwent six trials, was ridiculed, beaten, and ultimately crucified while two robbers hung beside him. Jewish leaders falsely accused Jesus of inciting insurrection against Rome and, despite Pilate finding

Mark 15:33 - 15:47
In this discussion of Mark 15:33-47, Steve Gregg explores the significance of Jesus' crucifixion and death. He notes that the event was the centrality of Christian faith, and that Jesus endured six hours on the cross, crying out in a loud voice several times. Gregg also examines the seven sayings of

Mark 16
Steve Gregg discusses the controversial ending of the Gospel of Mark and the challenges of harmonizing the resurrection accounts in the four Gospels. He examines the evidence for and against the authenticity of verses 9-20 in Mark 16, including the writings of early church fathers. The relationship