Mark 10:1 - 10:16

Gospel of MarkSteve Gregg
In "Mark 10:1-16," Steve Gregg discusses a controversial topic of divorce and remarriage, and the church's changing stance on the matter. Jesus cites Genesis 1 and 2 to argue that divorce goes against God's original plan for marriage, where two become one flesh, and what God has joined together, let no man separate. While Jesus allows divorce only in cases of adultery and not for other reasons, he welcomes and blesses children, emphasizing their importance to God and the Kingdom of God. Children remain a core issue in society today, and every effort should be made to raise them correctly to remain in the Kingdom of God.
More from Gospel of Mark
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Next in this series
Mark 10:17 - 10:31
Gospel of Mark
In this passage from Mark 10:17-31, Jesus encounters a man seeking to inherit eternal life. Jesus emphasizes the importance of loving one's neighbor a
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Mark 10:32 - 11:11
Gospel of Mark
Steve Gregg provides a comprehensive analysis of Mark 10:32 - 11:11. Jesus predicts His death, rebukes James and John's request for positions of power
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Mark 9:14 - 9:50
Gospel of Mark
In the passage of Mark 9:14-50, Jesus rebukes his disciples for their inability to cast out a demon from a possessed boy. He emphasizes the importance
Series by Steve Gregg

2 Kings
In this 12-part series, Steve Gregg provides a thorough verse-by-verse analysis of the biblical book 2 Kings, exploring themes of repentance, reform,

Gospel of Mark
Steve Gregg teaches verse by verse through the Gospel of Mark.
The Narrow Path is the radio and internet ministry of Steve Gregg, a servant Bible tea

In Steve Gregg's engaging exploration of the book of Haggai, he highlights its historical context and key themes often overlooked in this prophetic wo

A thorough analysis of the book of Isaiah by Steve Gregg, covering various themes like prophecy, eschatology, and the servant songs, providing insight

The Life and Teachings of Christ
This 180-part series by Steve Gregg delves into the life and teachings of Christ, exploring topics such as prayer, humility, resurrection appearances,

1 Corinthians
Steve Gregg provides a verse-by-verse exposition of 1 Corinthians, delving into themes such as love, spiritual gifts, holiness, and discipline within

2 Samuel
Steve Gregg provides a verse-by-verse analysis of the book of 2 Samuel, focusing on themes, characters, and events and their relevance to modern-day C

Church History
Steve Gregg gives a comprehensive overview of church history from the time of the Apostles to the modern day, covering important figures, events, move

Kingdom of God
An 8-part series by Steve Gregg that explores the concept of the Kingdom of God and its various aspects, including grace, priesthood, present and futu

A five-part series on the book of James by Steve Gregg focuses on practical instructions for godly living, emphasizing the importance of using words f
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