Steve Gregg
A five-part series on the book of James by Steve Gregg focuses on practical instructions for godly living, emphasizing the importance of using words for good, resisting temptation, showing mercy, and demonstrating genuine love.

James Introduction, 1:1 - 1:8
In this analysis of the Book of James by Steve Gregg, the author's focus on practical instructions for godly living is discussed. Drawing a comparison to Martin Luther's emphasis on faith over works, Gregg notes that James' teachings are heavily influenced by Jesus' Sermon Mount. While there is a st

James 1:9 - 2:7
Steve Gregg discusses the danger of pursuing riches as a Christian and emphasizes the importance of being slow to speak and slow to anger. He explains how temptation is a test of love and warns against the deception of sin. Gregg also delves into the importance of hearing and doing the word of God,

James 2:8 - 3:12
James 2:8-3:12 is a call to reject favoritism and show mercy to others as a reflection of one's own receiving of mercy from God. The passage emphasizes that faith without works is dead, and that our words have immense power over the well-being of ourselves and others. The speaker, Steve Gregg, draws

James 3:13 - 4:4
James 3:13 - 4:4 is a passage warning against the damaging effects of speech, specifically addressing teachers and their power to do harm. True wisdom involves understanding the importance of using our words for good, rather than for envy or self-seeking. The passage also touches on the issue of war

James 4:5 - 5:20
James warns against the dangers of loving the world and pursuing worldly objectives, as it is a form of spiritual adultery. He advises Christians to resist the temptations of the devil and draw near to God, reminding them that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. James also urges bel