
Joel (Full Book)

Joel — Steve Gregg

Joel (Full Book)

JoelSteve Gregg

In this talk, Steve Gregg provides an in-depth analysis of the book of Joel in the Bible. He explores the meaning behind the day of the Lord and the various interpretations of the locust plague, as well as its significance in relation to God's judgment. Gregg also delves into the themes of sacrifice, restoration, and the role of the Holy Spirit in Joel, emphasizing the importance of seeking fulfillment in God rather than material possessions. Overall, his insights offer a thought-provoking and informative perspective on this often-overlooked book.


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Series by Steve Gregg

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Original Sin & Depravity
In this two-part series by Steve Gregg, he explores the theological concepts of Original Sin and Human Depravity, delving into different perspectives
Creation and Evolution
Creation and Evolution
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Steve Gregg provides a thought-provoking analysis of the book of Joel, exploring themes of judgment, restoration, and the role of the Holy Spirit.
Word of Faith
Word of Faith
"Word of Faith" by Steve Gregg is a four-part series that provides a detailed analysis and thought-provoking critique of the Word Faith movement's tea
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Is Calvinism Biblical? (Debate)
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1 Thessalonians
In this three-part series from Steve Gregg, he provides an in-depth analysis of 1 Thessalonians, touching on topics such as sexual purity, eschatology
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