Two Pointed Parables (Part 1)
The Life and Teachings of Christ — Steve GreggNext in this series
Two Pointed Parables (Part 2)
Two Pointed Parables (Part 1)

The Life and Teachings of ChristSteve Gregg
In "Two Pointed Parables (Part 1)," Steve Gregg examines a pericope in Matthew 21 where Jesus is questioned by the Sanhedrin about his authority. The passage includes a parable about two sons, one of whom initially refuses to work in the vineyard but later has a change of heart and goes to work while the other initially agrees to work but fails to follow through. Gregg suggests that the parable highlights the importance of actions over words and emphasizes the need for individuals to demonstrate obedience to God rather than simply professing their faith.
More from The Life and Teachings of Christ
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Next in this series
Two Pointed Parables (Part 2)
The Life and Teachings of Christ
In "Two Pointed Parables (Part 2)", Steve Gregg discusses two parables in the Bible. The first parable is about builders rejecting the cornerstone, le
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Wedding, Render Caeser, Resurrection (Part 1)
The Life and Teachings of Christ
In this discourse, Steve Gregg unpacks a parable in Matthew 22 about a king who invites guests to his son's wedding banquet, only to be rejected by so
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Cleansing the Temple, Fig Tree, Grain of Wheat (Part 2)
The Life and Teachings of Christ
Steve Gregg suggests that Christians are not wrong in praying for vengeance and vindication against their adversaries. He points to Revelation 6 as an
Series by Steve Gregg

Individual Topics
This is a series of over 100 lectures by Steve Gregg on various topics, including idolatry, friendships, truth, persecution, astrology, Bible study,

The Beatitudes
Steve Gregg teaches through the Beatitudes in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount.

Message For The Young
In this 6-part series, Steve Gregg emphasizes the importance of pursuing godliness and avoiding sinful behavior as a Christian, encouraging listeners

In his series "Habakkuk," Steve Gregg delves into the biblical book of Habakkuk, addressing the prophet's questions about God's actions during a troub

Word of Faith
"Word of Faith" by Steve Gregg is a four-part series that provides a detailed analysis and thought-provoking critique of the Word Faith movement's tea

1 Thessalonians
In this three-part series from Steve Gregg, he provides an in-depth analysis of 1 Thessalonians, touching on topics such as sexual purity, eschatology

Steve Gregg provides a thought-provoking analysis of the book of Joel, exploring themes of judgment, restoration, and the role of the Holy Spirit.

Steve Gregg teaches verse by verse through the book of Ezra, providing historical context, insights, and commentary on the challenges faced by the Jew

Steve Gregg teaches verse by verse through a 16-part analysis of the book of Jeremiah, discussing its themes of repentance, faithfulness, and the cons

Beyond End Times
In "Beyond End Times", Steve Gregg discusses the return of Christ, judgement and rewards, and the eternal state of the saved and the lost.
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