Wedding, Render Caeser, Resurrection (Part 1)
The Life and Teachings of Christ — Steve GreggNext in this series
Wedding, Render Caeser, Resurrection (Part 2)
Wedding, Render Caeser, Resurrection (Part 1)

The Life and Teachings of ChristSteve Gregg
In this discourse, Steve Gregg unpacks a parable in Matthew 22 about a king who invites guests to his son's wedding banquet, only to be rejected by some. Gregg offers a three-part interpretation of the parable, which he relates to the Resurrection and Christ's second coming. He also explains the clothing metaphor within the parable, emphasizing that it is not about one's own good deeds but rather God's provision. Wrapping up, Gregg touches on the issue of rendering unto Caesar and God, explaining that it is not a matter of a "strange mix" but rather a call to be responsible citizens and obedient to God.
More from The Life and Teachings of Christ
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Next in this series
Wedding, Render Caeser, Resurrection (Part 2)
The Life and Teachings of Christ
In this discussion, Steve Gregg explores Jesus' response to the debate on whether it was lawful to pay taxes to Caesar. Jesus used a coin with Caesar'
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Confrontation Continues (Part 1)
The Life and Teachings of Christ
In this presentation, Steve Gregg discusses the ongoing confrontation between Jesus and religious leaders such as the Pharisees and Sadducees during h
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Two Pointed Parables (Part 2)
The Life and Teachings of Christ
In "Two Pointed Parables (Part 2)", Steve Gregg discusses two parables in the Bible. The first parable is about builders rejecting the cornerstone, le
Series by Steve Gregg

Some Assembly Required
Steve Gregg's focuses on the concept of the Church as a universal movement of believers, emphasizing the importance of community and loving one anothe

Steve Gregg provides a detailed analysis of the book of Genesis in this 40-part series, exploring concepts of Christian discipleship, faith, obedience

2 Peter
This series features Steve Gregg teaching verse by verse through the book of 2 Peter, exploring topics such as false prophets, the importance of godli

Steve Gregg provides a comprehensive analysis of the biblical book of Jude, exploring its themes of faith, perseverance, and the use of apocryphal lit

Beyond End Times
In "Beyond End Times", Steve Gregg discusses the return of Christ, judgement and rewards, and the eternal state of the saved and the lost.

In this 10-part series, Steve Gregg provides verse by verse teachings and insights through the book of Ephesians, emphasizing themes such as submissio

Three Views of Hell
Steve Gregg discusses the three different views held by Christians about Hell: the traditional view, universalism, and annihilationism. He delves into

Kingdom of God
An 8-part series by Steve Gregg that explores the concept of the Kingdom of God and its various aspects, including grace, priesthood, present and futu

In this six-part series, Steve Gregg provides verse-by-verse commentary on the book of Galatians, discussing topics such as true obedience, faith vers

1 Thessalonians
In this three-part series from Steve Gregg, he provides an in-depth analysis of 1 Thessalonians, touching on topics such as sexual purity, eschatology
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