
Confrontation Continues (Part 1)

The Life and Teachings of Christ
The Life and Teachings of ChristSteve Gregg

In this presentation, Steve Gregg discusses the ongoing confrontation between Jesus and religious leaders such as the Pharisees and Sadducees during his time. Jesus uses parables and questions to reveal the hypocrisy of the religious leaders and emphasize the importance of loving God and one's neighbor. Though initially opposed, some Pharisees eventually acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God. Additionally, Jesus challenges the Pharisees' understanding of the Messiah, pointing out that he is not only the son of David but also the son of God. Ceremonial laws and rituals are not necessary for salvation under the New Covenant, and consideration for others is more important than following specific religious symbols.


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Series by Steve Gregg

Discover the profound messages of the biblical book of Ezekiel as Steve Gregg provides insightful interpretations and analysis on its themes, propheti
Unveiling the profound grief and consequences of Jerusalem's destruction, Steve Gregg examines the book of Lamentations in a two-part series, delving
When Shall These Things Be?
When Shall These Things Be?
In this 14-part series, Steve Gregg challenges commonly held beliefs within Evangelical Church on eschatology topics like the rapture, millennium, and
2 Timothy
2 Timothy
In this insightful series on 2 Timothy, Steve Gregg explores the importance of self-control, faith, and sound doctrine in the Christian life, urging b
Foundations of the Christian Faith
Foundations of the Christian Faith
This series by Steve Gregg delves into the foundational beliefs of Christianity, including topics such as baptism, faith, repentance, resurrection, an
Authority of Scriptures
Authority of Scriptures
Steve Gregg teaches on the authority of the Scriptures. The Narrow Path is the radio and internet ministry of Steve Gregg, a servant Bible teacher to
In the series "Nahum" by Steve Gregg, the speaker explores the divine judgment of God upon the wickedness of the city Nineveh during the Assyrian rule
Steve Gregg's series on the book of Numbers delves into its themes of leadership, rituals, faith, and guidance, aiming to uncover timeless lessons and
In his series "Habakkuk," Steve Gregg delves into the biblical book of Habakkuk, addressing the prophet's questions about God's actions during a troub
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Is Calvinism Biblical? (Debate)
Steve Gregg and Douglas Wilson engage in a multi-part debate about the biblical basis of Calvinism. They discuss predestination, God's sovereignty and
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