Romans 3:21 - 3:26

RomansSteve Gregg
This text explores the central ideas in Romans 3:21-26, where Paul argues that righteousness comes from God as a gift and is not determined by external deeds. The concept of the "glory of God" is central to Christian theology, with believers called to bear the image of Christ in their lives. The text also discusses the atonement theories, the significance of the propitiation for sin, and the importance of faith in Jesus for salvation. Ultimately, the text emphasizes the role of Jesus in providing redemption, reconciliation, and justification for imperfect, fallen humanity out of God's love for humanity.
More from Romans
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Next in this series
Romans 3:27 - 4:25
The passage discusses the relationship between faith and the law, particularly the Jewish law, and emphasizes that righteousness in God's sight is bas
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Romans 5:1 - 5:11
This passage delves into the doctrine of justification by faith, highlighting that access to grace is obtained by faith and enables Christians to endu
9 of 29

Romans 3.1 - 3:20
In this passage, Paul challenges the prejudice Jewish people had towards Gentiles based on Jewish identity and circumcision, arguing that they aren't
Series by Steve Gregg

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