
Is The Future Pretrib Rapture Taught in Scripture? (Part 2)

When Shall These Things Be?
When Shall These Things Be?Steve Gregg

Steve Gregg analyzes the use of the word "tribulation" in the scripture and draws a distinction between general afflictions and the specific time of great tribulation, which is referred to only twice in the Bible. While discussing the book of Revelation, Gregg highlights that it is largely considered a prediction of the end times, though there are differing opinions about when it was written. Gregg argues that certain phrases in the text, such as "no flesh shall survive," suggest a global event, but he also notes that similar language referring to "the whole world" can sometimes be localized to a particular geography in the Bible. Additionally, he points out that there is no mention of a future world ruler or a cashless society in scripture, nor does the New Testament predict the rebuilding of the temple.


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Series by Steve Gregg

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1 Kings
Steve Gregg teaches verse by verse through the book of 1 Kings, providing insightful commentary on topics such as discernment, building projects, the
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In this 14-part series, Steve Gregg challenges commonly held beliefs within Evangelical Church on eschatology topics like the rapture, millennium, and
The Tabernacle
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In this 32-part series, Steve Gregg provides in-depth commentary and historical context on each chapter of the Gospel of Luke, shedding new light on i
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