March 27th: Exodus 34 & Matthew 27:1-26

The covenant renewed and the shining face of Moses. The staining blood of the innocent Jesus.
Some passages referenced:
Genesis 6:5, 8:21 (statement as basis for both judgment and grace); Exodus 32:9, 33:3 (the stiff-necked character of the people as basis for judgment).
Matthew 23:34-36 (blood of the martyrs coming upon that generation); Zechariah 11:12-13 (thirty shekels of silver); Jeremiah 18-19, 32:6-15 (the potter and the bought field); 2 Samuel 17:23 (Ahithophel); Isaiah 53:7 (sheep before its shearers is silent); Deuteronomy 21:1-9 (the rite for unsolved murder).
Reflections upon the readings from the ACNA Book of Common Prayer (
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