Q&A#95 Must the Pastor be a Gifted Theologian?

Today's question:
"What do you think the relationship is between depth of theological understanding and being a good pastor?
Is it a straight one to one correlation? Other things being equal, a better theological understanding will make a better church leader? Once you are over a certain threshold of theological understanding does it then become.more about preaching ability, love for people, management skills etc?
I think I default to thinking that there is a very strong correspondence (as the people whose books have greatly helped me have all been deep thinkers), but the more I think about it the more this seems wrong (most local church leaders are not going to have the time or money to train to a very deep level)."
Within the video, I mention this Mere Fidelity discussion of pastor theologians: https://mereorthodoxy.com/mere-fidelity-the-pastor-theologian/.
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