
Q&A#87 The Church and the Natural Family

Alastair Roberts

Q&A#87 The Church and the Natural Family

November 2, 2018
Alastair Roberts
Alastair Roberts

Today's question:

"In the past two episodes of "Mere Fidelity" there was an underlying issue which was touched on, but not fully discussed. That is the relationship between the biological family and the New Family of which Christ is the firstborn. Examples I am thinking of:

1.) Does the Great Commission now call us to emphasize “being fruitful and multiplying” for this New Family through making disciples, over and against being fruitful in biological families?

2.) For those who cannot have biological families, how much should the church be relied upon to be family?

3.) The New Testament certainly seems to de-emphasize biological family to some degree, what do we make of this?"

Within the discussion, I reference my earlier discussion of the biblical theology of the household:

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