Q&A#84 Being Born Again, Baptism, and the Subjective and Objective Work of the Spirit
Alastair RobertsQ&A#84 Being Born Again, Baptism, and the Subjective and Objective Work of the Spirit

Today's questions:
1. "What is your understanding of what regeneration, being born again, and the new birth mean in Scripture? And how do common contemporary Christian understandings align or deviate from what Scripture means by these things?"
2. "Really quick follow-up, I missed your earlier video on Baptism, possibly, but I’m wondering if you wanted to fill in your view of the role of the Spirit in both the objective and subjective dimensions to baptism you talk about here. In other words, what is the connection between the Baptized and the Regenerate, or the agent of Regeneration and the act of Baptism. Another way of putting it is, what do we make of the baptism of the Spirit in Paul?"
See my earlier video on the notion of being born again here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4ZPbFg-X8U.
If you have any questions, you can leave them on my Curious Cat account: https://curiouscat.me/zugzwanged.
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