Q&A#83 Peter Leithart and Me on Baptismal Efficacy: Do We Disagree?

Today's question: "I just finished Leithart’s The Priesthood of the Plebs. It was one of the most stimulating books I have read in a long, long time. I also have recently watched some of your videos on baptism. How does your thought relate to his? I may be misreading Leithart, but he emphasizes baptism working ex opere operato and seems to say that baptism is salvific for all those baptized. This seems to stand in contrast to your statement in “Does Baptism Save Us?” at 13:28 that not every person baptized is saved and brought into the realities you are speaking of. Perhaps I am misunderstanding one or both of you. Or perhaps you have disagreements with Leithart. Either way, I would enjoy hearing you talk about his book and how your understanding of baptism compares and contrasts with his."
See my earlier video on baptism here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcRrSinoggs.
Within the video, I mention Peter Leithart's books 'The Priesthood of the Plebs' (https://amzn.to/2Q3455v) and 'The Baptized Body' (https://amzn.to/2SrausE).
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