Q&A#75 Beatitudes and Woes

Today's question: "In your video on the Sermon on the Mount you mentioned a parallel between the Beatitudes and the Woes of Matthew 23. Could you elaborate on this?"
To read more about the parallel between Beatitudes and Woes, see this article by James Jordan: http://www.biblicalhorizons.com/biblical-horizons/no-4-the-beatitudes-and-woes/. For more on the typological structure of Matthew, see Peter Leithart's article on the subject (https://d3r27erqw8vyds.cloudfront.net/uploads/edd/2015/09/jesus-as-israel-the-typological-structure-of-matthew-s-gospel.pdf), or the recently released first volume of his Matthew commentary: https://amzn.to/2yqGogJ.
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