Q&A#63 Why Did Satan Enter into Judas to Betray Jesus if He Knew the Cross Would Defeat Him?
Alastair RobertsQ&A#63 Why Did Satan Enter into Judas to Betray Jesus if He Knew the Cross Would Defeat Him?

Today's question: "How should we understand Satan entering into Judas and his ensuing plan to betray Jesus (Luke 22:3-6)? The wilderness temptations, the rebuke of Peter (Matt. 16:21-23), Christ's agony in the garden, and even the calls to him to come down off the cross seem to suggest that Jesus was being tempted to abandon the path of suffering and death. Did Satan know that Jesus came to destroy his works by his death? If so, why would he incite Judas to betray him to certain death?"
Within my discussion, I reference this earlier video: https://alastairadversaria.com/2018/04/16/video-jesus-as-the-greater-ezekiel-in-luke-3-4/.
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