Q&A#61 What's the Deal with the Weird Healing Pool in John 5?
September 29, 2018

Alastair Roberts
Today's question: "What's going on in John 5 with the pool at Bethsaida? Was there a magical healing pool? Does Jesus sanction this healing method? If Jesus didn't sanction this pool, why doesn't he condemn it?"
If you have any questions, you can leave them on my Curious Cat account: https://curiouscat.me/zugzwanged.
If you have enjoyed these talks, please tell your friends and consider supporting me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/zugzwanged.
My new Soundcloud account is here: https://soundcloud.com/alastairadversaria. You can also listen to the audio of these episodes on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/alastairs-adversaria/id1416351035?mt=2.
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