Division, Whataboutism, & Christian Nationalism

Why is it so hard to acknowledge when our opponents get something right? Orto admit when we are wrong? Why do so few people see that BOTH this issue AND that issue can be right or wrong? Collin, Justin, and Kevin discuss these divisions that we experience on this episode. They also ask, “What is Christian Nationalism?” Listen to the end for the book recommendations and scroll down for the links.
Life and Books and Everything is sponsored by Crossway, publisher of the ShortStudies in Biblical Theology Series, edited by Dane C. Ortlund and Miles V. Van Pelt.
The Short Studies in Biblical Theology Series is designed to help readers see the whole Bible as a unified story culminating in Jesus Christ. In each volume, a trusted scholar traces an important topic through God’s word and explores its significance for the Christian life.
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The Best Person to Disagree With [0:00 – 1:46]
Collin’s Jolly Holiday [1:46 – 4:17]
A Brief Digression on Morally Problematic Television [4:17 – 7:34]
Justin’s COVID Christmas [7:34 – 10:53]
VidAngel & Cobra Kai [10:53 – 12:15]
Kevin’s December Viewing [12:15 – 17:45]
Both/And: Why is it so hard to see both sides of an issue? [17:45 – 25:54]
Both/And: Should we even want this approach? [25:54 – 35:23]
Whataboutism & Selective Policing [35:23 – 40:57]
Christian Nationalism [40:57 – 56:16]
Book Recommendations Featuring Pro-Life and MLK, Jr. Topics [56:16 – 1:08:25]
Books and More Books:
The Case for Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture, by ScottKlusendorf
Defending Life, by Francis J. Beckwith
Beyond Racial Gridlock: Embracing Mutual Responsibility, by George Yancey
Letter from a Birmingham Jail, by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Abe: Abraham Lincoln in His Times, by David S. Reynolds
The Attributes of God: An Introduction, by Gerald Bray
Forty Questions About the End Times, by Eckhard Schnabel
The Bible and the Future, by Anthony A. Hoekema
Not Tragically Colored: Freedom, Personhood, and the Renewal of Black America,by Ismael Hernandez
America in the King Years, by Taylor Branch
Abuse of Discretion: The Inside Story of Roe v. Wade, by Clarke D. Forsythe
Concise Guide to Conservatism, by Russell Kirk
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