Abortion Apologetics with Brother Carter

This week my brother in Christ and long close friend, Carter, teaches me and some other men how to conduct abortion apologetics from a biblical worldview. We met and discussed this but I recorded it thinking that it may equip and bless whoever listens. Carter did a wonderful job! There is a powerpoint presentation that Carter did with this talk. You can find it by clicking here. Thanks for listening, For The King!!!
Download the PowerPoint presentation by clicking here or going to this link -> https://forthekingpodcast.com/2022/03/16/abortion-apologetics-with-brother-carter/
Key Texts:
* Psalm 139:13-16
* Psalm 51:5
* Ecclesiastes 11:5
* Jeremiah 1:5
* Luke 1:41
* Isaiah 44:2
* Jeremiah 20:17
* Job 10:19
* Isaiah 49:1
* Genesis 25:23
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