For The King
Rocky Ramsey
A podcast for those that enjoy to think based on a biblical worldview. Employ the faculties of your mind on a litany of subjects that impact our culture, world, and individual thought life. Find out more at forthekingpodcast.com

Indiana SB 483: Regulation of Homeschooling with IAHE Legislative Liaison Kylene Varner
February 12, 2025
The Bill IAHE Website -> Make sure to follow the twitter page IAHE Action website -> Make sure to sign up for the newsletter and the twitter page Homeschool Indiana Podcast Parallel Christian Economy Reflectedworks.com USE PROMO CODE: FORTHEKING AT CHECKOUT FOR 10% OFF EveryLife

Casey Flood: Steadfast Construction Services, Timber-Framing, Apprenticeship, and Christian Excellence in the Trades
January 22, 2025
Steadfast Construction Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/CertainlySteadfast https://www.steadfast.construction/ Parallel Christian Economy Reflectedworks.com USE PROMO CODE: FORTHEKING AT CHECKOUT FOR 10% OFF EveryLife, a diaper company that celebrates and protects every

Book Review 2024
January 2, 2025
Best Fiction: Illiad/Odyssey by Homer Phantastes/Lilith by George MacDonald Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Best Nonfiction: The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius Hexaemeron by Saint Basil the Great The Comographia by Bernardus Sylvestris Honorable Mentions: Knowledge is Power by John Hen

Election Next Steps... WISDOM NEEDED!
November 29, 2024
With the recent election Christians need to really think about how to make the best use of our time and to fight the right battles moving forward. We hope we gave you a few thoughts to do so rightly. Thanks for listening! Parallel Christian Economy * Reflectedworks.com:

What Instruments in Church? w/ Will Drzycimski
October 2, 2024
What instruments should the Church use on the Lord's day? Brother Will helps us think about this in a helpful way. This conversation was prompted from one of his recent articles found here. You can follow his Substack here, where he discusses these same issues! Parallel Christian Economy *

Tolkien's Best Gardener
August 18, 2024
This is an article I wrote for jrrjokien.com For the Permaculture side project please visit heritagepermaculture.substack.com Parallel Christian Economy * Reflectedworks.com: USE PROMO CODE: FORTHEKING AT CHECKOUT FOR 10% OFF * EveryLife, a diaper company that celebrates

More Manners, Less Nuisance
July 21, 2024
Here we discuss why manners are important and how they keep us from nuisance. Nuisance is a huge drag on our society and the less Christian we become, the more nuisance we will see. Click Here for Matthew Crawford Substack article I reference Parallel Christian Economy * Reflectedwork

Screening Screens
June 19, 2024
How should we think about screen as Christians? We hope this episode answers that exact questions. One thing that was omitted is that screens also contribute to blue light toxicity and degeneration of the eye. Screen time is also PHYSICALLY bad for your health. Key texts: * 1 John 2:16 Parallel

Drinking, Merriment, and Heaven
May 8, 2024
What is the biblical view of alcohol? https://fortheking.substack.com/p/drinking-merriment-and-heaven Parallel Christian Economy * Reflectedworks.com: USE PROMO CODE: FORTHEKING AT CHECKOUT FOR 10% OFF * EveryLife, a diaper company that celebrates and protects every life: C

Tree?!? I am no Tree!!!
April 17, 2024
The LOTR trilogy has some amazing principles on how we think about the enchantment of nature. We hope you are edified during this discussion! Key Text: Proverbs 12:10 Parallel Christian Economy * Reflectedworks.com: USE PROMO CODE: FORTHEKING AT CHECKOUT FOR 10% OFF * EveryLif

Fatherlessness and Mass Shootings
March 27, 2024
What does fatherlessness have to do with mass shootings? Surprisingly, a whole lot! Samuel's Substack: https://samuelbornman.substack.com/p/save-the-world-by-raising-godly-men for Samuel's Book click here Parallel Christian Economy * Reflectedworks.com: USE PROMO CODE: FORTHEKI

Leisure and Idleness
March 10, 2024
Is there a difference between leisure and idleness? We hope to uncover the difference between these two and give you some thoughts on how to engage in leisure. Thanks for listening! Key Text : * Proverbs 19:24 Parallel Christian Economy * Reflectedworks.com: USE PROMO CODE: FOR

Exploring the Church Fathers
February 18, 2024
The church father's are DEFINITELY worth reading! We have to be a people rooted in history. We already stand on the shoulders of giants, we might as well recognize it and look down and see who they were! Key Text: * Matthew 16:17-19 Parallel Christian Economy * Reflectedworks.com:

The Second Vote
January 31, 2024
We all know of our civil ability to vote, but could there be another second vote that is more economic in nature? We hope this episode provokes some thought, for the king! Parallel Christian Economy * Reflectedworks.com: USE PROMO CODE: FORTHEKING AT CHECKOUT FOR 10% OFF * EveryLife, a

Leaders Need Followers
January 14, 2024
If we want to see Christian leaders raised up in our nation, then we need to support them. This episode is a call to play our part as followers, and rally around men worth following! Key Text: 2 Samuel 15:6 Parallel Christian Economy * Reflectedworks.com: USE PROMO CODE: FORTHEKING AT CH

Best Books of 2023
January 3, 2024
This episode highlights the best books I read in 2023 along with a few other items. Thanks for listening to the podcast the past year and I look forward to the next with you! Fiction: 1.)The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King by JRR Tolkien 2.)Beowulf 3.)Ransom Trilogy C.S. Lewis Honorabl

Elves, Dwarves, and Church Unity
December 24, 2023
Can the relationship between Legolas and Gimli in the Lord of the Rings trilogy shine light on church unity among protestants? We hope that this discussion helps the church think about church unity and loving your brother. Key Text: * John 13:35 Parallel Christian Economy * Reflected

Rejoicing Vine, A Christian Winery
December 10, 2023
Wine can be made in a regenerative way, the way God designed. We need far more Christian businesses and Rejoicing Vine is a great example! Visit their website at https://www.rejoicingvine.com/

Supernatural Dinosaurs, Nephilim, and Re-enchanting the World with Pastor Josh Robinson
November 26, 2023
Our world needs re-enchantment terribly... we may even need to re-enchant our thoughts about dinosaurs. Maybe they were not the product of billions of years of evolution after all, maybe they are more magical than we think. Key Texts: * Genesis 6 * The Book of Enoch Will's Art: Reflectedwork

Discussing God's Good Design by D. Michael Clary
November 12, 2023
Michael Clary and I discuss his new book "God's Good Design: A Biblical, Theological, and Practical Guide to Human Sexuality". This book is a must have in every Christian household. This book helps set out a clear positive vision for the beauty of God's good design for our sexuality. Far too many Ch

Spooky + Christianity?
October 31, 2023
Spook season is ChriSTiaN? You bet it is! We hope this episode roots you just a little bit more in Christian history and reminds you of our great saviors victor over darkness! We encourage you to read Josh Robinson's Substack article on this topic found here and here We also encourage you to rea

Naming and Recreation
October 29, 2023
Magic is real and language plays a big part of it. Mankind's ability and prerogative to name things can either be a great evil or a great good. We hope you all have as much fun as we did listening to this! Key Text: * Genesis 2:18-23 Will's Art: Reflectedworks.com USE PROMO CODE: FORTHEKING A

Christianity Is Naturally Antifragile
October 8, 2023
Being a Christian means being antifragile. God has built antifragility into his word, church, and people. We have a sure and steady anchor for the hope we cling to by faith. Key Texts: * Hebrews 6:16-20 * Ephesian 2:20 * 2 Timothy 2:19 * Psalm 18:2 * Malachi 3:6 Will's Art: Reflectedworks

The Reformers Can't Minister To Us!
September 10, 2023
While the Reformers may not be able to minister to us, they can influence us and teach us. We ought to be men of OUR time, not men of a past time! Thanks for listening, I hope this was edifying. Key Text: * 1 Chronicles: 12:32 Will's Art: Reflectedworks.com USE PROMO CODE: FORTHEKING AT CHE

Author Samuel Bornman, Of Wizards and Warriors
August 30, 2023
If you would like to purchase this book, which I recommend you do, please click here. A huge shoutout to Samuel for coming onto the podcast and writing a fun, challenging, and wholesome piece of literature for us to enjoy. Samuel is continuing his series so make sure to keep your eyes peeled in the

Oliver Anthony’s Rich Men North of Richmond: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
August 20, 2023
Bryce and I take a different approach this episode but we hope that you enjoy this and walk away with some good things to think about with this new cultural phenomenon! Will's Art: Reflectedworks.com USE PROMO CODE: FORTHEKING AT CHECKOUT FOR 10% OFF To see what I'm reading click here To vi

Isaiah 61, The Favorable Year of the LORD
August 9, 2023
This episode is a recent teaching I had the privilege of delivering at my church. For The King! Key Text: * Isaiah 61 Will's Art: Reflectedworks.com To see what I'm reading click here Social Media: For Gab page click here For Twitter click here To stack SATS at Fountain.fm page cli

The Disciplined Man
July 30, 2023
Being a curious man is important, but curiosity devoid from discipline and direction can be unfruitful. This episode we attempt to give very practical advise for a self-regulated life. For The King!!! Key Texts: * Proverbs 16:22 * Proverbs 13:18 * Proverbs 13:1 * Galatians 5:22-24 Wil

Knowledge & Dominion w/Ceegan
July 12, 2023
King Solomon exercised his dominion through his wisdom and knowledge that God had given him. We ought to follow in this same vein! Thanks for listening! Key Texts: * 1 Kings 3:5-15 * 1 Kings 4:24-34 * Exodus 31:1-4 Will's Art: Reflectedworks.com Social Media: Facebook page: http

The Curious Man
June 25, 2023
Curiosity is not a word you here very frequently, however, it is a pivotal attribute that God has given mankind. It is the driving force the causes mankind to investigate the world. Curiosity requires imagination, however, and that requires an enchanted view of the world. For The King!!! Key Text: P

The Simple Working Man
May 28, 2023
Lamentations 3:27 says that it is good for a man to bear the yoke in his youth! We hope this episode helps you recapture this truth. It is not for every man to be a Moses or a Davis, but it is for every man to be a simple working man. For The King! Key Texts: * Lamentations 3:27 * Nehemiah 3:1-6

Interview with James Pelton: Christianity and Entrepreneurship
May 17, 2023
Brother Pelton walks us through some of his journey with some wisdom and insight he has gained along the way concerning entrepreneurship. We talk about cryptocurrency and being wise with our wealth as Christians. There are some great exhortations here to not let riches master you and to repent and b

You can't be a Conservative if you aren't a Christian
May 7, 2023
Conservatism contains the term "conserve". The question, naturally, is what are we trying to conserve. 1950's ethics? Victorian England ethics? What about the living word of God and the teachings contain therein? For The King! Key text: * Mark 7:1-8 Social Media: * Facebook page: https://www.

Presuppositional Apologetics is the Key to a Postmillennial Future w/ Zach Smith
April 26, 2023
God's word, empowered by his spirit, is the key to the evangelism and conversion of the world. Presuppositional apologetics is the methodology applying the prior sentence. You can read Zach's article here. I highly recommend reading through his material and following him. For The King! Key Text:

Having a Beard Doesn't Make You a Man
April 16, 2023
The title speaks for itself. Sometimes we get attached to aesthetics without the presuppositions that undergird them. Let us not be hypocrites in this sense. We hope you enjoy this episode and take something away from it! Key Text: * 2 Timothy 3:5-7 Social Media: * Facebook page

Thoughts on the Banking Crisis
March 29, 2023
Recently SIlvergate bank, SVB, Credit Suisse, and First Republic Bank have either failed or received bailouts to stay afloat. We wanted to give our interaction with the root causes with these issues (which the LORD hates), and provide some thoughts on moving forward. Nothing we say is finacial advic

Gospel & Eschatology: Kissing the Son
March 19, 2023
This episode concludes our series on The Gospel being applied to eschatology! We hope you have really enjoyed and we appreciate all of the attention it has received. We will start a new series on various topics 2 Sundays from now. Enjoy! Key Texts: * Psalm 2 Social Media: * Facebook page: http

A Biblical Ancient Apocalypse
March 8, 2023
This episode my friend Andy and I dive into a Netflix documentary series from Graham Hancock called "Ancient Apocalypse". We show some of the main claims and overall thesis of Mr. Hancock and then provide our own analysis of the data based on a biblical worldview. Thanks for coming on Andy! For in

Say Things You Believe Out Loud
February 26, 2023
I put audio to my blog for this episode! Very simple but I hope its a good thought! https://forthekingpodcast.com/2023/02/24/say-things-you-believe-out-loud/ Social Media: Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/For-The-King-105492691873696/ Gab page: https://gab.com/ForTheKingPod Twitter: http

Ceegan's Dreams
February 15, 2023
Dreams are not neutral. They can be either influenced by evil or by good. We defend against evil in dreams by meditating on God's word day and ~night~. A huge shoutout to Ceegan coming onto the podcast! Key Texts: Jude 1:9 Social Media: * Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/For-The-King-10

Gospel & Eschatology: The Last Enemy
February 5, 2023
What will happen at the end? Where are we going as the human race? The bible speaks emphatically on this subject on todays episode. We pray and hope that you are edified and encouraged by the content. Thanks for listening! Key Texts: * Psalm 110:1 * 1 Cor. 15:22-26 Social Media: * Facebook

Aaron Rogers and The Hat Man
January 25, 2023
This topic has caused some buzz recently. I thought I ought to address it from a Christian perspective. I hope this edifies and blesses you. Be sure to look at the links in the show notes for this one. For The King! Links: * Article on Aaron Roger's Hat Man: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2022/08

Gospel & Eschatology: Filling the Earth From Sea to Sea
January 15, 2023
The resounding message of scripture is that the knowledge of God will fill the entire earth. We must trust God's word and not the newspaper or pew polls. Believe God's word rather than Man's word. For The King! Key Texts: * Hab. 2:14 * Psalm 72:8 Social Media: * Facebook page: https://www.face

Best Books of 2022
December 28, 2022
I love books! If you do too, here is a recap of some of my favorite books I read this year. For The King! Top 3 Fiction of 2022: 1. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien : The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers 2. Malcom and The Marquis' Secret by George MacDonald 3. Moby Dick by Herman

Gospel & Eschatology: The Highest of Mountains
December 18, 2022
This episode, we walk through Isaiah 2:1-4 concerning the mountain of the Lord. All nations will, without a doubt, stream to Mount Zion and learn peace. This is great hope for the world for all those that pursue peace. The only way the nations will find peace on earth is through the son of God, the

The Destruction of High Culture
December 7, 2022
The most important externalized things about society are what we call in this episode "high culture". As we have switched from Christianity to the pagan atheistic society we are now, the culture that has flowed from that is disgusting. As Christians we ought to begin rebuilding these things. For The

Gospel & Eschatology: The World's Living Water
November 27, 2022
The Kingdom of God does not grow overnight. This episode, Bryce and I walk through Ezekiel 47 depicting how the new covenant temple (the church), will emanate living water that continually grows until it covers the whole earth! We hope this edifies you. For The King! Key Text: * Ezekiel 47:1-12

Christianity Restores the Entire Man & The Uncomfortable Truth of Physiognomy
November 16, 2022
The unbelieving world, because of their faulty starting points, ends up destroying the entire man unwittingly. Body and spirit to be specific. Christianity, however, restores the entire man, body and spirit. Noah and I hope you enjoy this episode! For The King! Social Media: * Facebook page: http

Effeminacy in Watching Sports, Christian Competition, and Brotherhood
November 2, 2022
Rome created the colosseum to keep the masses distracted and happy. Men and women get wrapped up in the same trap today through sports in America. Sports in America are one of the chief idols of our society and we ought to put it in it proper place as Christians. Thanks for listening! Social Medi

Gospel & Eschatology: Inheriting the Earth
October 23, 2022
What do Christians have to look forward to? Much my friend! Not only do we get eternal life in Christ, but we also inherit this beautiful earth that God has made for us, albeit a redeemed version of it. God promised never again to destroy the earth, do you believe him? Thanks for listening! Key Te

God's Uncontrollable World and Moby Dick
October 19, 2022
Moby Dick is one of America's most well known fiction novels. Written in 1851, it shares an epic story of a man's destructive desire to see revenge on a white sperm whale named Moby Dick. Don't be fooled though, this book depicts timeless Christian truths that all men should heed. We hope you enjoy

Gospel & Eschatology: The Child Conqueror?!
October 9, 2022
Christ was king birth! What will his kingdom will be like?! Isiah 9 tells us very clearly, lets just believe what God's word clearly says, who's with me? For The King! Key Text: * Isiah 9:2-7 Social Media: * Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/For-The-King-105492691873696/ * Gab page: h

Interview w/ Jeremy Collins of Theonomoney: Discussing ESG From a Biblical Worldview
September 28, 2022
How should Christians think about ESG scores? Thanks to my brother Jeremy, we have a fruitful discussion about the trojan horse of ESG scores and how we ought to think of them. This is by no means an exhaustive take on the issue but rather a starting place. Thanks for listening! Theonomoney links:

Gospel in Eschatology: The Parable of the Mustard Seed
September 25, 2022
Bryce and I continue to describe how the gospel goes to the ends of the earth through a postmillennial understanding of eschatology. We look particularly at what the bible teaches about the kingdom of God this episode. We pray and hope it edifies you! For The King!!! Key Texts: * Matthew 13:31-33

Marvel and DC's War on God: Doctor Strange, Aleister Crowley, and the Multiverse of Satanism with Pastor Joe Schimmel
September 21, 2022
Many are unaware of the true history of one of today’s most popular Marvel characters, Doctor Strange. What is the connection to Satanist Aleister Crowley, Satanism, the ancient heresy of Gnosticism and Doctor Strange? To truly understand the spiritual foundation of Marvel cosmology, one must first

Gospel in Eschatology: A Theology of Dominion
September 11, 2022
Bryce and I continue to apply the Gospel, but now in the area of Eschatology. We hope that this primer on the idea of dominion in God's word paints a new picture eschatologically than you have heard before. For The King! Key Text: * Matthew 28:16-20 Social Media: * Facebook page: https://www

Responding to The Bible Says What!?
September 7, 2022
Go listen to the interview with Michael Wiseman at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rorcjBke9DI&t=921s Every empire and form of government has fallen and crumbled. This is not evidence of a theocracy being an issue, this actually lends itself to the depravity of man. That is the common d

The Gospel Scope & Vocation
August 28, 2022
"Therefore, a poor workman, faithfully using the gift God has given him, pleases God no less than a preacher of the Word, for he served God in the same faith and with the same Spirit." - Martin Luther's Commentary on Galatians Chapter 5 This week we apply the Gospel to the idea of vocation (callin

The Game of Chess in God's World
August 24, 2022
Noah and I discuss the game of Chess and the parallels inherent within to the Christian worldview. We know this may not interest all, however we had a ton of fun filming it! If anyone is wondering I lost on time to Noah after this podcast (however I knight forked his queen and he was well on his way

The Gospel Scope & Hard Sciences
August 14, 2022
Now we apply the gospel to all of the hard sciences. It is important to walk through how every single worldview applies their "gospel" to the worldview. In rationalism, the savior is the human rationality so it will be applied to whatever models it conjures. We walk through this exercise here and sh

Christian Aggression? Is There Such a Thing?
August 10, 2022
Aggression is one of the underlying reason our culture hates men. A desire to smash the patriarchy or a claim to a toxic patriarchy has its basis in a distortion of masculine Christian aggression. In this episode we show how Jesus Christ himself was a very aggressive man, and for good reason. If mas

The Gospel Scope & Soft Sciences
July 31, 2022
We are nearing the end of the Gospel Scope and I hope it has been a blast to listen through! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is far more reaching that we could ever anticipate. Christ even rules and reigns over the soft sciences such as, economics, sociology, law, psychology, philosophy, political scienc

Christian Nationalism & Merriam-Webster Dictionary Changes Definition of Female
July 27, 2022
This Wonky Wednesday I am joined with Noah, a frequent guest on the podcast! We talk this episode about how Christian Nationalism is conflated with an evil version of itself. We walk through a document from a Christian organization that seeks to expose Christian nationalism even penning a statement

The Gospel Scope & Literature
July 17, 2022
Like art, literature is also a field dominated by objective values. God's word is perfect literature and it sets the pace by which all other works of literature are made! Thanks for listening! Key Text: * 2 Timothy 3:14-17 Fountain.fm -> https://fountain.fm/show/U78tm316mhRmq1LFZ6HS Website: f

Atheists Want Dominion?!? Do you?
July 13, 2022
In this episode I discuss two Supreme Court cases. NEW YORK STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASSOCIATION, INC., ET AL. v. BRUEN, SUPERINTENDENT OF NEW YORK STATE POLICE, ET AL and Dobbs v. Jackson. I also discuss a federal grant to export atheism, humanism, and non-religious adherents worldwide, hence the pagan

The Gospel Scope & Art
July 3, 2022
What is truly beautiful? By what standard can we call something beautiful? Key Texts: Psalm 27:4 & Hebrews 12:2 Fountain.fm -> https://fountain.fm/show/U78tm316mhRmq1LFZ6HS Website: forthekingpodcast.com Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/For-The-King-105492691873696/ Gab page: https://ga

Beauty, Art, and the Created Order
June 22, 2022
Wills website: Reflectedworks.com Wills Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reflectedworks Website: forthekingpodcast.com Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/For-The-King-105492691873696/ Gab page: https://gab.com/ForTheKingPod Contact: forthekingpodcast@gmail.com Donate Crypto: https://comme

Back to the Future of America
May 29, 2022
If we want to have any hope of a future in America we must return to her past. We must pickup the pieces of a shattered Christian Inheritance. We must REPENT! Website: forthekingpodcast.com Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/For-The-King-105492691873696/ Gab page: https://gab.com/ForTheKingPo

Interview with Micah Beckwith, Let’s Get in the Fight!
May 25, 2022
Absolutely loved this interview with Micah. Micah has much wisdom and insight. I know I was greatly edified by the interview and I hope it encourages you as well! For The King! Check out more things Micah here: https://www.micahbeckwith.com/ His podcast: Jesus, Sex and Politics Website: forthek

The Gospel Scope & Philosophy
May 22, 2022
Philosophy, the handmaiden of theology, has been used as a bludgeoning device against mankind to infiltrate worthless ideas devoid of truth. In Christ are hidden the riches of all knowledge and wisdom, including philosophy! Key Text Colossian 2:8 Website: forthekingpodcast.com Facebook page: htt

The Gospel Scope & Culture (Contra Pagan Culture)
May 15, 2022
Truth is exclusive. Culture is not created in a vacuum. All cultures reach for a transcendent reality to anchor themselves in, hence the root word Colere or Cultura, denoting growth and cultivation (a bacteria culture) or when applied to human society meaning "the customary beliefs, social forms, an

The Leaked SCOTUS Opinion. Abortion is Pre-Political!
May 8, 2022
Conservatism is deceitful and never paints the full picture. All they do is conserve the status quo of 50 years ago rather than conserving the timeless word of God (the Christian worldview). The Court Opinion of the Dobbs case written by Justice Alito -> https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/2183

Marvel and DC's War on God with Pastor Joe Schimmel
May 4, 2022
I hope you enjoy this discussion with Pastor Joe Schimmel from GoodFight Ministries about the deceitfulness of Marvel and DC comics. I know this may seem fringe to many, but if you have a biblical worldview that says Jesus rose from the dead then this really isn't that wild of stuff! Links below to

The Gospel Scope & Discipleship
May 1, 2022
Make disciples of all nations! It's not whether the nations will be discipled, but who will be doing the discipling?! Thanks for listening! Key Texts: * Matthew 28:18-20 * Matthew 23:15 * Ephesians 5:25-28 * Ephesians 6:1-4 * Luke 13:20-21 Website: forthekingpodcast.com Facebook page: http

The Gospel Scope & Evangelism
April 24, 2022
As we take a look at the scope of the Gospel we move to our first topic in the series, namely evangelism. There are clear implications in scripture laid out concerning what evangelism is. We hope this encouraged you and reminds you of the work of an evangelist! Key Texts: * Matthew 28:18-20 * Ac

The Scope of the Gospel
April 17, 2022
Now that we have laid the foundations of the gospel we now seek to apply it as we lay out the entire scope of the gospel. Join us on the Sunday Series episodes as we apply the gospel to all of life! Thanks for listening! Key Texts: * Matthew 23:23 * Hebrews 6:1-3 * Matthew 28:18-20 Website:

The Gospel & Union with Christ
April 10, 2022
We are wrapping up a VERY long series on gospel foundations! If you have been with us the whole time we are very thankful you stuck with it and are finishing up with us as well. We end with the great doctrine of union with Christ. Being united in sweet communion with God almighty is a great truth th

Interview: Jeremy Collins of Theonomoney
April 6, 2022
This Wednesday I am interviewing Jeremy Collins, the proprietor of the Theonomoney podcast. You can find his podcast here or on any other podcast catcher. I highly recommend Jeremy's podcast! I have personally been binging it and have learned things I have never encountered before about economics an

The Gospel & Glorifying Grace Mirroring Christ
April 3, 2022
We are finishing the Glorifying Grace series we started a few weeks ago. We are about to wrap up all of the Gospel Foundations we have been doing and about to move on to a new topic. We pray this has been edifying for you and that you were aided in our presentation of God's word. Thanks for listenin

The Doctrine of The Lesser Magistrate with Brother Bryce
March 30, 2022
This Wonky Wednesday, Bryce walks us through the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate. The doctrine is seen throughout church history but wasn't formalized until the Magdeburg confession of 1550. Bryce walks us through the doctrine based off a book we recently read by Matt Trewhella called unironically

The Gospel & Glorifying Grace's Security in Election
March 27, 2022
God's grace continues to be marveled at throughout human history! Here is another element of his grace glorifying us in his election before the foundation of the world. He guarantees our inheritance, our glory, not because of anything inherent in us but freely and unconditionally. God's grace is gre

The Gospel & Glorifying Grace's Finality in the Resurrection of Christ
March 20, 2022
Glorifying Grace is predicated on the glory Christ has in his resurrection and vindication over sin and death. Christ is now seated at the right hand of the father in glory because he defeated sin and death. He proved himself the son of God because he was sinless and the grave could not hold him. Du

Abortion Apologetics with Brother Carter
March 16, 2022
This week my brother in Christ and long close friend, Carter, teaches me and some other men how to conduct abortion apologetics from a biblical worldview. We met and discussed this but I recorded it thinking that it may equip and bless whoever listens. Carter did a wonderful job! There is a powerpoi

The Gospel & Seeking After Glorifying Grace
March 13, 2022
Salvation consists of 3 parts. Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification. We have talked about the first two, but now this week we start speaking on God's grace in justifying us. God's grace not only justifies and sanctifies but it also brings us to the end and it wills us to seek after glory

A Biblical and Partial Preterist/Postmillennial View of Satan
March 9, 2022
I do not claim to exhaustively represented all the bible has to say about Satan nor do I claim to have perfectly represented the partial preterist/postmillennial understanding of the role of Satan. However, I tried my best! I hope you enjoy it! Key Texts: * Ezekiel 28:12,15 * Gen. 1:28; 3:1,15;

The Nearness of Judgement
February 23, 2022
People are often confused by what the wrath of God is and how it is revealed upon humanity. In this podcast I try to make a case that God's judgement is much more near than we would imagine. I hope you see the truth of what I am presenting and if you do not know Christ then repent and turn to him as

The Gospel & Sanctifying Grace
February 20, 2022
Last week, Bryce and I walked through how God's grace is the kind of grace that justifies us before him. Not only does it justify us before him, but it also is the kind of grace that carries us through and sanctifies us until the end! If you have been given God's wonderful grace then you are a child

Presuppositional Apologetics: The Correct Way to Defend the Christian Faith
February 16, 2022
This Wednesday I have Bryce as my guest again! We walk through the presuppositional method for defending the Christian faith. We base a lot of this material off of a book by Dr. Greg Bahnsen called Always Ready: Directions for Defending the Faith. You can pick up the book here. We hope this episode

The Gospel & Justifying Grace
February 13, 2022
The bible speaks of God's grace in two different ways. Today Bryce and I walk through how to think about the grace that God bestows on us in a justifying sense. God has lavished grace upon us to the praise of his glorious grace! God's grace is entirely unmerited by the human and is an act of favor o

Discussing Samuel Renihan's book, The Mystery of Christ His Covenant and His Kingdom
February 9, 2022
“What is this book good for? It establishes a clear linear understanding of the biblical text in its purpose of driving the reader to see how faithfully God executes His purpose in creation. The covenantal framework from Adam to Christ, from creation to consummation is a most apt way of seeing the f

The Gospel & Christ as our Ransom
February 6, 2022
This week Bryce and I walk through the idea of Christ's sacrifice as a ransom. We are indebted to God and our wages due to us is death (Rom. 6:23) but Christ has paid that ransom and won us back from the wrath of God, NOT FROM SATAN'S CLUTCHES. If you want more information on Jesus satisfying us fro

Interview with Jason Szeftel: The Spiritual State of China and Christianity's Rise Within
February 2, 2022
Welcomes to the for the king podcast, and that king being Jesus Christ, the son of God, today I have Jason Szeftel with me. He is a political and economic writer specializing in the nation of China. He mainly focuses on economic and political dimensions of China but today he is joining me to speak a

Interview with Chris Anderson: Coaching a Little 500 Team & Christian Excellency
January 26, 2022
This Wednesday I am joined by an old friend of mine from college, Chris Anderson. In this episode we walk through what he does as a coach for a little 500 team and how he uses it to impact the lives of the people not only on the team, but also in the race. We then turn a fundamental principle in the

The Gospel & Substitutionary Atonement
January 23, 2022
Continuing on our Gospel foundations series, this week, we walk through how substitutionary atonement is crucial when understanding the gospel. We must believe and trust in Jesus Christ as our substitute on the cross. He bore the punishment that was due us. We remember in God's word as it says in Is

Interview with John Lee: Arguments for Christian Theism, Free Will, and the Presuppositions Underlying Transgenderism
January 19, 2022
This week I interview a brother in Christ, John Lee. John is the founder of custommobile.app. Their boutique agency builds individualized mobile apps for podcasts starting at just $25/month. I am hoping to eventually take advantage of his service for my podcast! However, this was a small part of the

The Gospel & Being Born Again
January 16, 2022
Continuing on the Gospel Foundations series, we discuss on this episode the concept of being born again. We provide scriptural evidence and we walk through what it means to be born again. This we must remember is all an act of God as we cannot force the spirit of God to act according to our wills fo

Interview: Dr. Robert Yoho and Covid
January 12, 2022
This week, I speak with Dr. Robert Yoho on Covid and some of the deceitful things happening surrounding the virus. Robert Yoho is 66 years old in 2020. He spent three decades as a cosmetic surgeon after a career as an emergency physician. His generalist training gives him perspective and allows hi

The Gospel & Reconciliation
January 9, 2022
We continue in our Gospel Foundations series on the For The King podcast with this short episode on reconciliation. This concept is crucial when trying to understand the good news of Jesus Christ. We were once alienated from God because of our sin, but now, through Christ, we are reconciled back to

Interview: Dr. Ben Edwards on Covid-19, Vaccine theory, and the Four Pillars of Health (part 2)
January 5, 2022
This Wednesday I have the pleasure of continuing my interview with brother Dr. Ben Edwards. Dr. Edwards M.D is a practicing physician at Veritas Medical with locations on the west side of Texas. He is the proprietor of the "You're the Cure" podcast/radio program and graduated from UT-Houston medical

The Gospel & Adoption as Sons
January 2, 2022
Continuing on our Gospel Foundations series Bryce and I delve into the idea of God adopting us as his sons. The sons receive the inheritance and if we want to inherit God's blessings then we ought to hope that he would choose us and adopt us as his sons. What a wonderful foundational gospel truth we

Interview: Dr. Ben Edwards on Covid-19, Vaccine theory, and the Four Pillars of Health (part 1)
December 29, 2021
This Wednesday I have the pleasure of interviewing brother Dr. Ben Edwards. Dr. Edwards M.D is a practicing physician at Veritas Medical with locations on the west side of Texas. He is the proprietor of the "You're the Cure" podcast/radio program and graduated from UT-Houston medical school. He star

The Gospel, Faith & Repentance
December 26, 2021
Merry Christmas! Bryce and I continue in our series on Gospel foundations. This week the foundational principle to the gospel is faith coupled with repentance. Last Sunday we talked about faith being the conduit by which we enter into Christ's righteousness. This can be thought of as mere faith, how

The Gospel & Faith-Based Righteousness
December 19, 2021
The prior week to this episode we walked through the great transaction known as double imputation. One may ask after hearing that Jesus has fulfilled the law and that we can receive that righteousness that comes through fulfilling that law through double imputation, how can I enter into that great t

Canada's Bill C-4 / The Church and Covid-19
December 16, 2021
This episode I walk through Canada's new horrific bill that has royal ascent and to be put into legislation 30 days after that ascent. The bill criminalized up to 5 years in prison for forcing any individual to undergo conversion therapy (in other words counseled in a biblical worldview of human sex

The Gospel & the Great Transaction
December 12, 2021
Last week Bryce and I walked through how Jesus has fulfilled the law in all righteousness in his obedient life on earth. Jesus was without sin, yet we are with sin as laid out in our episode "Our fall and the Gospel". So, how can we ever hope to achieve a foreign righteousness that is not our own? T

The Gospel & Fulfillment of the Law
December 5, 2021
An apology is due to you listeners as I have been negligent to upload the past two weeks. I have just been married and have been on a honeymoon and moving into our new house so I hope you can forgive me! Last time on the Sunday series, we spoke about the law and the gospel and how we ought to think

Law & Gospel
November 14, 2021
Many think that we are now no longer "under the law" but under Christ in the gospel. While this is partly true it reeks of antinomianism. Lets not fall into this trap of thinking that just because we are in Christ that we no longer need God's law or want God's law. God's law is refreshing reviving t

Interview: Patrick Melder, Christianity & Bitcoin (part 2)
November 10, 2021
My guest this week is Patrick Melder. Patrick is a trained Ear, Nose & Throat surgeon, and sleep specialist. He trained at Walter Reed Army Medical center and was on active duty with the US Army for 13 years. He left the Army in 2006 as a Lieutenant Colonel and started his private practice career. P

Our Fall and the Gospel
November 7, 2021
The fall of mankind is the great fault in this broken world. It is a schism that runs straight through every person, family, and society on the face of this planet. We must come to grips with this terrible news before the gospel of Jesus Christ will become sweeter than honey to our lips. 1 Corinth

Interview: Patrick Melder, Christianity & Bitcoin (part 1)
November 3, 2021
My guest this week is Patrick Melder. Patrick is a trained Ear, Nose & Throat surgeon, and sleep specialist. He trained at Walter Reed Army Medical center and was on active duty with the US Army for 13 years. He left the Army in 2006 as a Lieutenant Colonel and started his private practice career. P

Redeemed by Christ
October 31, 2021
Jesus has has done so many things by spilling his blood for us on the cross. Among those is that of redemption. Redeeming something entails paying a ransom to restore something to yourself but also at a cost to yourself, not because the thing is inherently worth it. There is an element of worth in t

October 26, 2021
This past weekend was my bachelor party! I am mere days away from getting married and I am beyond excited to be united to my bride, the love of my life. To celebrate such an event my brother and a few friends went on a hiking trip for my bachelor party! It was an amazing time and I was reminded of t

Book Review: A Magnificent Catastrophe by Edward J. Larson
October 20, 2021
I am not including this book review in my monthly book review episode because there is far too much to interact with. To do this book justice I needed to create a longer episode exposing some of the helpful things it gets into. I hope you learn something and walk away with some thoughts whether you

The Centrality of the Gospel
October 17, 2021
This Sunday Bryce and I walk through the Gospel, the doctrine of first importance to the Christian. We must get the Gospel and we must believe in that correct Gospel to be saved, for no other gospel has the power to save! Thanks for listening and tuning in to the For The King podcast! “This is why

Masculinity & Femininity Everywhere Else
October 10, 2021
This Sunday we finish our series on Biblical Gender Roles. We have seen how gender roles apply in homes and churches, but to keep ourselves consistent with what scripture teaches, we must extend its application to the civil sphere and beyond as well. God has designed the world a certain way. Gods wo

True Repentance
October 7, 2021
A random upload I know, but this is my brother Bryce and exceptions are always made for him! Also, I touched up the intro some, I hope you enjoy it! Bryce teaches on repentance in this audio. He taught this to high schoolers at our church and I thought I would upload it as well to edify you guys. I

Analysis of First Wave Feminism
October 3, 2021
Bryce has abandoned me to the pit. I will rouse myself and hold fast to the LORD in this trial, he will help me to fly SOLO this week on the For The King podcast. We have been slowly walking through a biblical worldview when considering gender roles. This week I use Zach Garris' book as a resource t

Book Review (September) : Luther's Small Catechism & War is a Racket
October 1, 2021
"When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all the parchments." - 2 Timothy 4:13 Books are instrumental to the Christian faith. Here are a few that I think are good reads. Thanks for listening! Luther's Small Catechism : https://www.amazon.com/Lut

Masculinity & Femininity in the Church
September 26, 2021
This week Bryce and I continue to walk through biblical masculinity and femininity. We move first, after defining our terms three weeks ago, to the home, and now to the church. The church is the bulwark against an evil and God-hating world. The church has been tasked with the proclamation of the gos

Masculinity & Femininity in the Home
September 19, 2021
This week Bryce and I continue to walk through biblical masculinity and femininity. We move first, after defining our terms two weeks ago, to the home. The home is the foundational unit for all of society. For the church, businesses, civil government, all of society. So, we plant our anchor in the h

Book Review (August) : The Fear of God by John Bunyan
September 7, 2021
"When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all the parchments." - 2 Timothy 4:13 “The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and they that lack the beginning have neither middle nor end.” - John Bunyan “Though there is not always grace where there

Defining Biblical Masculinity & Femininity
September 5, 2021
This week on the Sunday Series, Bryce and I begin a new series on gender roles as defined by the creation order in the bible. Gender is thought to be a social construct that changes with society/culture. Biblically we know that our gender, and the gender roles inherent in each gender, are defined by

Interview: Zach Garris, Author of Masculine Christianity
September 1, 2021
This Wonky Wednesday I interview author, attorney, writer, and follower of Christ Zach Garris. Zach holds a Master of Divinity from RTS (Jackson) and a Juris Doctor from Wayne State University Law School. He has written for Chronicles Magazine, the Mises Institute, and Desiring God. He edited a book

Justification by Faith Alone
August 22, 2021
Today Bryce and I walk through another hard to understand text that can cause us to think, what does that text mean? Listen as we walk through how to properly understand this text that has been distorted all throughout church history, especially in the Catholic Church. Thank for listening! Key Texts

The Object in Objectivity
August 15, 2021
Recently, Bryce and I walked through why the theory of relativity, not Einstein's theory ;), is a foolish and contradictory worldview to hold. This week Bryce and I press the issue further with a short talk objectivity and why it is precious for the Christian to cling to. One of Christianity's most

Book Review (July) : John Macarthur Handbook of Effective Biblical Leadership
August 6, 2021
2 Timothy 4:13 : "When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all the parchments." When Paul is requesting what Timothy do when he comes back to him from his journey, he requests books and parchments. Who knows exactly what Paul was reading outside of

The Myth Of Relativism
August 1, 2021
“A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent” ― John Calvin “There are no facts, only interpretations.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche So many people think that the buck stops with them when it comes to truth and reality.

Society's Bane: Homosexuality
July 25, 2021
This week, my guest (Bryce) and I dive into the second part of a two part series concerning effeminacy in men. The first part was geared more towards soft, weak, effeminate men in our society and that behavior being condemned in scripture. This week we dive into effeminacy in its fruition, namely ho

Effeminate Men
July 18, 2021
One sin that has flown under the radar for a considerable amount of time in our society is the sin of effeminacy in men. Today Bryce and I make a biblical case on why this is indeed a sin for a man to be effeminate and what effeminacy can look like in society. We walk through practical steps to over

Freedom in Christ
July 11, 2021
William Wallace: [Deliberately.] I am William Wallace, and I see a whole army of my countrymen, here, in defiance of Tyranny. You’ve come to fight as free men, and free men you are. What will you do without freedom? Will you fight? [Shouts of denial from the crowd.] Blonde Soldier: Fight? Against t

Interview: Keagan, an Agnostic Atheist (part 3)
July 7, 2021
Today, on the For The King podcast, I am joined with one of my good friends. Keagan and I met at college during our undergraduate careers and we soon became good friends doing lots of random things together. Today Keagan and I continue on our discussion of our worldviews, mainly talking about the pr

Christology: Christ, Our Sanctification
July 4, 2021
Today, Bryce and I walk through how Jesus is our very sanctification, the reason, origin, source, fuel, by which we are sanctified in this life. All lofty and high theological thoughts of God should always trickle down into our hearts that we may fan aflame our affection for Christ. Thus, Bryce and

Book Reviews (June) : Masculine Christianity, The Bruised Reed, Religion & Science, and The London Baptist Confession of Faith
July 1, 2021
This episode is dedicated to the books I have been reading this past month. At the beginning of each month I will upload a short book review for everything I have been reading to give you an idea of the things I like to read and possible give you ideas for what you would like to read. I hope this is

Interview: Keagan, an Agnostic Atheist (part 2)
June 30, 2021
Today, on the For The King podcast, I am joined with one of my good friends. Keagan and I met at college during our undergraduate careers and we soon became good friends doing lots of random things together. Today Keagan and I continue on our discussion of our worldviews. This episode is more of a d

Christology: Christ Our King
June 27, 2021
The culmination of the Christology series is HERE, see and believe Christ as our KING. The name of the podcast is inspired by Jesus' fulfilling for us the office of king. He is not just a king numbering among the many, Jesus is THE KING. Hence, the name of the podcast, For The King. Come with us and

Interview: Keagan, an Agnostic Atheist (part 1)
June 23, 2021
Today, on the For The King podcast, I am joined with one of my good friends. Keagan and I met at college during our undergraduate careers and we soon became friends doing lots of random things together. Today Keagan walks us through what has cased his department from the Christian faith into his cla

Christology : Christ As Priest
June 13, 2021
This week, we dive into the second office that Jesus Christ fulfills for us in his incarnation. He is the pre-incarnate God, who incarnated himself into flesh and has become our prophet, priest, and king. Christ as our great high priest is the scope of today’s podcast. Thank you for listening! My

Christology: Christ as Prophet
June 6, 2021
Christ is our great prophet, priest, and king. This week we dive into Jesus as our final and greatest prophet. Jesus gives us the words of life, and reveals the father to us in ways that no other prophet ever has. Thanks for listening and enjoy! My guest joining me this week on the Sunday series

Q/A With a Friend: Can the Bible be Trusted?
May 26, 2021
This week, I am joined with a few friends of mine. Matt got his degree in supply chain management and had some questions for us today concerning the validity of the bible and the Christian worldview. I am also joined by my friends Carter and Noah who are brothers. Carter is a mechanical engineer and

Christology: The Incarnation
May 24, 2021
My guest joining me this week on the Sunday series is my brother Bryce. Bryce is getting his undergraduate degree in philosophy and hopes to get his MDiv. from a seminary after he completes his undergrad. He hopes to be a pastor shepherding Gods people one day. Today we continue moving forward in ou

Religion & Science (Part 1)
May 19, 2021
This Wednesday, I dive into the ideas of a very famous agnostic/scientist/mathematician/philosopher named Bertrand Russell. Russell was a brilliant man with a great understanding of the natural world. Sadly, he decided that truth for him was that there was no good reason to believe that there is a G

Christology: The Pre-Incarnate Christ
May 17, 2021
Christology is defined as the "the branch of Christian theology relating to the person, nature, and role of Christ." In this new edition of the Sunday Series, Bryce and I dive deep into what God's word can tell us about the person of Christ. He did come as a man and his work and ministry as a man is

Shalom For All Mothers
May 9, 2021
In another edition of, “what does that text mean?”, we dive into a hard verse that has been misinterpreted and used in various ways that are inaccurate. What we will see is the true meaning of the text and the hope for both genders In it as God intended. Key Text: 1 Timothy 2:15 Contemporary views

There is a God, and You Are Not Him
May 3, 2021
Today, we describe timeless Christian truths laid out to us in the very first chapter of the bible. Those of all ages, even young children can understand some of the great realities laid out in the bible. For one, there is a God, and God created ex nihilo (out of nothing). He made mankind in his own

Just War Theory : An Introduction
April 28, 2021
Joined with me this week is my pastor, Nate and an intern at the church Trent answering the question, Can war ever be justified? What is the Just-War Tradition? How have Christians thought about war historically? Can a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ, be a soldier with a clear conscious? Why h

What is the Good that God is Working For us?
April 26, 2021
What does Romans 8:26-30 mean? More specifically what exactly does Romans 8:28 mean? These verses are often misapplied in present day American Christianity and Bryce and I break down what exactly this text is getting at. What is the good that God works together for those that are called according to

Conversations With An Ebullient Natural Law Theorist
April 22, 2021
How far can natural law stretch in society? What is the use of natural law to the Christian? Natural law are the laws that are self-evident to all humans as being endowed by their creator by virtue of their being made in God's image, however, this law is only as good as it matches up to revealed l

Should Christians Judge?
April 19, 2021
Is it permittable for Christians to judge others? If it is permittable, how should a Christian go about doing it? Bryce and I answer this question and go through a few texts highlighting passing judgment in the Christian's life. Enjoy! Key texts: Matthew 7:1-5, John 7:24, 1 Corinthians 5:12, James

TULIP Soteriology Applied
April 12, 2021
With the TULIP series now wrapped up, how does our orthodoxy lead to orthopraxy? How does doctrine (biblical truths expressions in succinct ways) influence our lives as follower of Christ? My guest joining me this week on the Sunday series is my brother Bryce. Bryce is getting his undergraduate degr

Perseverance of the Saints (TULIP part 5)
April 4, 2021
Will the saints finally persevere? Can you fall away from your faith? Are you your own keeper? Listen to the biblical answer to such questions this week on the For The King podcast! Thanks for listening! My guest joining me this week on the Sunday series is my brother Bryce. Bryce is getting his un

Irresistible Grace (TULIP part 4)
March 28, 2021
"The drawing is not like that of the executioner, who draws the thief up the ladder to the gallows; but is a gracious allurement, such as that of the man whom everybody loves, and to whom everybody willing goes." - Martin Luther God so calls as He allures; He does not force, but draw. The freedom o

Definite Atonement (TULIP part 3)
March 21, 2021
“Arminians pretend, very speciously, that Christ died for all men, yet, in effect, they make him die for no one man at all.” ― John Owen, The Death of Christ My guest joining me this week on the Sunday series is my brother Bryce. Bryce is getting his undergraduate degree in philosophy and hopes to

Introduction: Zionism
March 17, 2021
What is Zionism? What is Christian Zionism? Is it biblical? Join Noah and I as we dive into the word of God and the contemporary Zionist agenda to expose the evils in this theology/political ideology! Joining me this week is Noah, a close friend of mine. He has appeared on the aliens podcast and t

Unconditional Election (TULIP part 2)
March 15, 2021
"At the very announcement of the text some will be ready to say, 'Why preach upon so profound a doctrine as election?' I answer, because it is in God’s word, and whatever is in the Word of God is to be preached." "I believe the doctrine of election, because I am quite certain that, if God had not ch

What is the Magi Star?!?
March 10, 2021
Today on For The King, I am joined by Zach. Zach and I met in our undergrad (he was a senior and I was a freshman he was discipling) and we quickly became friends. He graduated with a degree in speech pathology and works in the same field. We are also novice powerlifters together. Key texts: Matth

Total Depravity (TULIP part 1)
March 7, 2021
“The depravity of man is at once the most empirically verifiable reality but at the same time the most intellectually resisted fact.” - Malcolm Muggeridge “When you refuse to teach on the radical depravity of men, it is an impossibility that you bring glory to God, His Christ, and His cross, because

Biblical Wisdom Garnered Under the Fear of the Lord (part 3)
February 28, 2021
“Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom.” - Charles Spurgeon My guest joining me this week on the Sunda

The Uniqueness of America
February 24, 2021
"The truth is, politics and morality are inseparable. And as morality's foundation is religion, religion and politics are necessarily related. We need religion as a guide; we need it because we are imperfect. And our government needs the church because only those humble enough to admit they are sinn

Biblical Wisdom Rooted in the Fear of The Lord (Part 2)
February 21, 2021
My guest joining me this week on the Sunday series is my brother Bryce. Bryce is getting his undergraduate degree in philosophy and hopes to get his MDiv. from a seminary after he completes his undergrad. He hopes to be a pastor shepherding Gods people one day. "The fear of the Lord is the beginni

Fear of the Lord (Part 1)
February 14, 2021
A statement frequently heard, but even less frequently understood. Jesus commanded us to fear the Lord! Find out how the scriptures verify Jesus' statement in Luke 12:5! My guest joining me this week on the Sunday series is my brother Bryce. Bryce is getting his undergraduate degree in philosophy

February 12, 2021
Does music point to God? Even more broadly, does beauty point to God? https://reasons.org/explore/blogs/reflections/read/reflections/2019/11/19/god-as-the-best-explanation-of-beauty https://mountcarmelapologetics.com/argument-from-beauty/ https://bahaiteachings.org/does-god-exist-the-argument-fro

Aliens: A Christian Response
February 10, 2021
Do Christians have an answer to aliens? What are they and can Christians properly categorize them into biblical categories? Joined with me this week are a few of my good friends. Noah, Christian, and Matt join me today to consider the issue of aliens and if there is a biblical response to the top

Propitiation & Atonement
February 7, 2021
The fundamental differences between the two and why that difference is worth understanding... My guest joining me this week on the Sunday series is my brother Bryce. Bryce is getting his undergraduate degree in philosophy and hopes to get his MDiv. from a seminary after he completes his undergrad.

Pilot : Ground Zero
February 7, 2021
A short 20 minute introduction to get to know me, your host, and what to expect from the For The King podcast. Thanks for listening! He must increase, but I must decrease. forthekingpodcast@gmail.com Episode 0 https://anchor.fm/rocky-ramsey