Interview: Zach Garris, Author of Masculine Christianity

This Wonky Wednesday I interview author, attorney, writer, and follower of Christ Zach Garris. Zach holds a Master of Divinity from RTS (Jackson) and a Juris Doctor from Wayne State University Law School. He has written for Chronicles Magazine, the Mises Institute, and Desiring God. He edited a book call "Dabney on Fire", writes at and manages another website He wrote the book "Masculine Christianity" which is what the interview is over. In this interview, we walk through the book to get a few big picture points that Christians ought to consider moving forward in America. Feminism, Egalitarianism, Complementarianism, and Biblical Patriarchy are just a few topics in this episode. Biblical roles of men and women are always rooted in the creation order and not some cultural norm. Enjoy the episode and thanks so much for listening!
Pick up Zach's Book here:
Zach's interview with Eric Conn on the Hard Men Podcast:
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