
This past weekend was my bachelor party! I am mere days away from getting married and I am beyond excited to be united to my bride, the love of my life. To celebrate such an event my brother and a few friends went on a hiking trip for my bachelor party! It was an amazing time and I was reminded of the importance of Christain fellowship and how more important it will be to me as a married man in desperate need of prayer to love and cherish my wife as Christ did the church. We didn't have time to continue our series because of this party but I hope you enjoy this quick side episode. Thanks for listening!
Key Text: Psalm 133: 1
Joining me this week is Noah, a close friend of mine. He just finished his undergraduate degree in biomedical engineering and works part time at a prosthetic practice. He is a follower of Christ. Also joining me this week on the Sunday series is my brother Bryce. Bryce is getting his undergraduate degree in philosophy and hopes to get his MDiv. from a seminary after he completes his undergrad. He hopes to be a pastor shepherding Gods people one day.
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