The Gospel & Christ as our Ransom

This week Bryce and I walk through the idea of Christ's sacrifice as a ransom. We are indebted to God and our wages due to us is death (Rom. 6:23) but Christ has paid that ransom and won us back from the wrath of God, NOT FROM SATAN'S CLUTCHES. If you want more information on Jesus satisfying us from God's wrath listen to the very first episode of the podcast. Thanks for listening!
“We need not wonder that so much importance is attached to our Lord’s resurrection. It is the seal and memorial stone of the great work of redemption, which He came to do. It is the crowning proof that He has paid the debt He undertook to pay on our behalf, won the battle He fought to deliver us from hell, and is accepted as our guarantee and our substitute by our Father in heaven. Had He never come forth from the prison of the grave, how could we ever have been sure that our ransom had been fully paid? Had He never risen from His conflict with the last enemy, how could we have felt confident that He has overcome the power of death from the devil? But thanks be unto God, we are not left in doubt. The Lord Jesus really rose again for our justification.” - J.C Ryle
Key Texts:
* Mark 10:45 (Matt. 20:28 as well)
* Hosea 13:14 (quoted in 1 Cor. 15:55)
* 1 Timothy 2:6
* Psalm 110:1-4
My guest joining me this week on the Sunday series is my brother Bryce. Bryce just finished his undergraduate degree in philosophy and hopes to get his MDiv. from a seminary after he completes his undergrad. He hopes to be a pastor shepherding Gods people one day.
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