Just War Theory : An Introduction

Joined with me this week is my pastor, Nate and an intern at the church Trent answering the question, Can war ever be justified? What is the Just-War Tradition? How have Christians thought about war historically? Can a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ, be a soldier with a clear conscious? Why has the just war tradition been lost on so many Christians in the last 100 years? There are many questions to be asked on the topic of war for Christians! We answer all of these and hit on even more things about this precious ethical tradition throughout church history. Learn about the line of thinking that great thinkers like Augustine, Martin Luther, and many others have taken throughout church history.
John Howard Yoder is the pacifist that is quoted many times in this book.
The book we reviewed is found here -> https://www.amazon.com/War-Peace-Christianity-Questions-Perspective/dp/1433513838/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=peace+war+and+christianity&qid=1619618311&sr=8-2
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