Jeremiah: Chapter-by-Chapter Commentary

00:00:00 - Chapter 1: Jeremiah's Call
00:17:33 - Chapter 2: Israel's Unfaithfulness
00:34:43 - Chapter 3: Return, Faithless Israel
00:49:00 - Chapter 4: Judah's Coming Destruction
01:03:24 - Chapter 5: Jerusalem's Stubborn Impenitence
01:12:54 - Chapter 6: Disaster Approaches
01:22:50 - Chapter 7: Jeremiah's Temple Sermon
01:32:00 - Chapter 8: Jeremiah's Grief for the People
01:41:00 - Chapter 9: Lamenting for the Land
01:52:54 - Chapter 10: The Vanity of the Idols of the Nations
02:03:17 - Chapter 11: A Broken Covenant
02:13:04 - Chapter 12: Jeremiah's Complaint
02:24:21 - Chapter 13: The Ruined Loincloth
02:35:36 - Chapter 14: Famine, Sword, and Pestilence
02:43:50 - Chapter 15: Who Will Have Pity on You, O Jerusalem?
02:54:04 - Chapter 16: Restoration Promised
03:02:38 - Chapter 17: Judah's Sin
03:12:21 - Chapter 18: Potter and Clay
03:20:41 - Chapter 19: The Broken Vessel
03:29:43 - Chapter 20: Pashhur Mistreats Jeremiah
03:37:31 - Chapter 21: Nebuchadnezzar's Destruction of Jerusalem Foretold
03:44:08 - Chapter 22: Message for the Sons of Josiah
03:55:40 - Chapter 23: The Righteous Branch
04:09:25 - Chapter 24: Good and Bad Figs
04:17:32 - Chapter 25: Seventy Years of Bondage
04:27:35 - Chapter 26: Jeremiah Delivered From Death
04:37:13 - Chapter 27: Nebuchadnezzar's Yoke
04:44:37 - Chapter 28: Hananiah
04:53:02 - Chapter 29: Jeremiah Writes to the Exiles
05:03:33 - Chapter 30: Restoration Promised
05:14:43 - Chapter 31: The New Covenant
05:35:36 - Chapter 32: Jeremiah Buys a Field
05:50:38 - Chapter 33: The Lord's Covenant With David
06:00:08 - Chapter 34: Zedekiah's Fate
06:07:43 - Chapter 35: The Rechabites
06:15:46 - Chapter 36: Jehoiakim Burns the Scroll
06:24:34 - Chapter 37: Jeremiah Imprisoned
06:31:32 - Chapter 38: Jeremiah Rescued from the Cistern
06:39:50 - Chapter 39: The Fall of Jerusalem
06:51:23 - Chapter 40: The Remnant in Jerusalem
06:59:34 - Chapter 41: The Assassination of Gedaliah
07:07:18 - Chapter 42: Warning Against Going to Egypt
07:15:29 - Chapter 43: Jeremiah Taken to Egypt
07:23:53 - Chapter 44: Condemnation of Idolatry
07:33:43 - Chapter 45: The Lord's Message to Baruch
07:41:59 - Chapter 46: Judgment on Egypt
07:56:18 - Chapter 47: Judgment on Philistia
08:02:42 - Chapter 48: Judgment on Moab
08:15:24 - Chapter 49: Judgment on Ammon, Edom, Damascus, Kedar, Hazor, and Elam
08:28:45 - Chapter 50: Judgment on Babylon
08:46:13 - Chapter 51: Babylon's Destruction Foretold
09:02:33 - Chapter 52: Jerusalem's Fall
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