
Mark: Chapter-by-Chapter Commentary

Alastair Roberts

Mark: Chapter-by-Chapter Commentary

February 15, 2022
Alastair Roberts
Alastair Roberts


00:00:00 - Mark 1.1-13: The Baptism of John

00:19:43 - Mark 1.14-31: Jesus Begins His Ministry

00:31:55 - Mark 1.32-45: Healings and Exorcisms

00:40:28 - Mark 2.1-22: Healing a Paralytic, Calling Levi, a Question About Fasting

00:52:11 - Mark 2.23—3.12: Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath

00:59:22 - Mark 3.13-35: The Twelve

01:08:21 - Mark 4.1-34: Parables

01:16:05 - Mark 4.35—5.20: Calming the Storm and Delivering the Demoniac

01:24:45 - Mark 5.21-43: The Woman with the Issue of Blood and Jairus' Daughter

01:33:01 - Mark 6.1-29: Death of John the Baptist

01:40:08 - Mark 6.30-56: Feeding the Five Thousand and Walking on the Water

01:51:38 - Mark 7.1-23: What Defiles a Person

01:58:50 - Mark 7.24—8.10: The Syrophoenician Woman and Feeding the Four Thousand

02:05:57 - Mark 8.11-38: Peter Confesses Christ

02:19:22 - Mark 9.1-29: The Transfiguration and the Healing of the Boy with the Unclean Spirit

02:30:22 - Mark 9.30-50: Who is the Greatest?

02:38:20 - Mark 10.1-31: Teaching about Divorce and the Rich Young Man

02:52:36 - Mark 10.32-52: James and John's Request

02:59:23 - Mark 11.1-26: The Triumphal Entry

03:09:50 - Mark 11.27—12.12: The Parable of the Wicked Tenants

03:18:15 - Mark 12.13-34: Taxes to Caesar, Challenging the Sadducees on the Resurrection, and the Greatest Commandment

03:29:34 - Mark 12.35—13.13: Signs of the End of the Age

03:35:24 - Mark 13.14-36: The Coming of the Son of Man

03:49:23 - Mark 14.1-25: The Last Supper

04:02:38 - Mark 14.26-52: Prayer and Arrest in Gethsemane

04:12:44 - Mark 14.53-72: Jesus Before the Council and Peter's Denial

04:23:50 - Mark 15: The Crucifixion and the Burial of Jesus

04:39:12 - Mark 16: The Resurrection and Mark's Longer Ending

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