Luke: Chapter-by-Chapter Commentary

00:00:00 - Luke 1.1-23: Annunciation of the Birth of John the Baptist
00:18:08 - Luke 1.24-56: Annunciation of the Birth of Jesus and the Magnificat
00:33:56 - Luke 1.57-80: John's Birth and Zechariah's Prophecy
00:46:06 - Luke 2.1-21: The Nativity
01:00:03 - Luke 2.22-52: Jesus Presented in the Temple
01:14:36 - Luke 3.1-22: John the Baptist
01:31:24 - Luke 3.23-38: The Genealogy of Jesus
01:41:33 - Luke 4.1-30: Tempted in the Wilderness and Rejected in Nazareth
01:58:48 - Luke 4.31-44: Healing and Preaching
02:04:19 - Luke 5.1-16: Calling the First Disciples
02:13:15 - Luke 5.17-39: Healing the Paralytic and a Question About Fasting
02:20:33 - Luke 6.1-19: Lord of the Sabbath
02:29:06 - Luke 6.20-38: Sermon on the Plain
02:42:39 - Luke 6.39—7.10: Healing the Centurion's Servant
02:53:51 - Luke 7.11-35: Messengers from John the Baptist
03:01:53 - Luke 7.36-50: Anointed by a Sinful Woman
03:11:19 - Luke 8.1-21: Parables
03:19:06 - Luke 8.22-56: Calming the Storm, Delivering the Gerasene Demoniac, the Woman with the Issue of Blood and Jairus' Daughter
03:29:49 - Luke 9.1-17: Sending out the Twelve and the Feeding of the Five Thousand
03:37:29 - Luke 9.18-50: The Transfiguration
03:51:15 - Luke 9.51-62: Rejection and the Cost of Discipleship
03:59:12 - Luke 10.1-24: Sending out the Seventy-Two
04:07:52 - Luke 10.25-42: Parable of the Good Samaritan
04:28:20 - Luke 11.1-28: Prayer and Casting out Demons
04:39:21 - Luke 11.29-54: Woes to Pharisees and Lawyers
04:45:32 - Luke 12.1-34: Neither Fear nor be Anxious
04:51:16 - Luke 12.35-53: Be Ready!
04:56:13 - Luke 12.54—13.9: Signs of the Times
05:01:17 - Luke 13.10-35: The Narrow Door
05:12:37 - Luke 14.1-24: Parables of the Wedding Feast and the Great Banquet
05:21:59 - Luke 14.25—15.10: Parable of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin
05:29:58 - Luke 15.11-32: Parable of the Lost Son
05:42:49 - Luke 16: Parables of the Unjust Steward and the Rich Man and Lazarus
05:52:54 - Luke 17.1-19: Teaching on the Way to Jerusalem
05:58:41 - Luke 17.20-37: Coming of the Kingdom
06:03:30 - Luke 18.1-30: Parables of the Persistent Widow and the Pharisee and Tax Collector; the Rich Ruler
06:13:09 - Luke 18.31—19.10: At Jericho
06:17:47 - Luke 19.11-28: Parable of the Ten Minas
06:22:48 - Luke 19.29-48: The Triumphal Entry
06:29:46 - Luke 20.1-26: Parable of the Wicked Tenants and Taxes to Caesar
06:38:35 - Luke 20.27—21.4: Answering Sadducees and Scribes
06:46:26 - Luke 21.5-38: Destruction of Temple and Jerusalem Foretold
06:56:20 - Luke 22.1-38: The Last Supper
07:06:10 - Luke 22.39-53: Prayer and Arrest on the Mount of Olives
07:17:23 - Luke 22.54-71: Peter's Denial and Jesus Before the Council
07:22:01 - Luke 23.1-25: Before Pilate and Herod
07:30:11 - Luke 23.26-49: The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus
07:39:51 - Luke 23.50—24.12: Burial and Resurrection
07:46:00 - Luke 24.13-53: Resurrection Appearance at Emmaus and the Ascension
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