1 Samuel: Chapter-by-Chapter Commentary

00:00:00 - Chapter 1: Birth of Samuel
00:09:45 - Chapter 2: Hannah's Prayer
00:18:56 - Chapter 3: Call of Samuel
00:25:59 - Chapter 4: Capture of the Ark
00:32:03 - Chapter 5: The Ark with the Philistines
00:41:21 - Chapter 6: Return of the Ark
00:48:45 - Chapter 7: Samuel Judges Israel
00:54:01 - Chapter 8: Israel Demands a King
01:09:51 - Chapter 9: Saul
01:23:22 - Chapter 10: Anointing of Saul
01:35:19 - Chapter 11: Saul Defeats the Ammonites
01:41:35 - Chapter 12: Samuel's Farewell Speech
01:46:43 - Chapter 13: Fighting the Philistines
01:59:13 - Chapter 14: Saul's Rash Vow
02:08:26 - Chapter 15: The Lord Rejects Saul
02:19:00 - Chapter 16: David Anointed
02:24:16 - Chapter 17: David and Goliath
02:40:03 - Chapter 18: David, Jonathan, and Michal
02:48:23 - Chapter 19: Saul Attempts to Kill David
02:56:17 - Chapter 20: Jonathan's Covenant with David
03:07:05 - Chapter 21: David at Nob
03:15:18 - Chapter 22: Saul Kills the Priests
03:28:01 - Chapter 23: David Pursued by Saul
03:33:12 - Chapter 24: David Spares Saul
03:41:15 - Chapter 25: David and Nabal
03:51:19 - Chapter 26: David Spares Saul a Second Time
03:57:36 - Chapter 27: David Flees to Philistia
04:01:33 - Chapter 28: The Medium of Endor
04:09:03 - Chapter 29: David Rejected by the Philistines
04:15:49 - Chapter 30: David and the Amalekites
04:21:49 - Chapter 31: The Death of Saul
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