Song of Songs: Chapter-by-Chapter Commentary

00:00:00 - Chapter 1: "Let Him Kiss Me with the Kisses of His Mouth!"
00:16:42 - Chapter 2: "My Beloved is Mine, and I am His"
00:32:59 - Chapter 3: "What is that Coming up from the Wilderness like Columns of Smoke?"
00:48:16 - Chapter 4: "Behold, You are Beautiful, my Love!"
01:02:35 - Chapter 5: "I Came to My Garden, My Sister, My Bride"
01:16:01 - Chapter 6: "Who is this who Looks like the Dawn?"
01:28:47 - Chapter 7: "Come, My Beloved, Let us Go out into the Fields"
01:37:48 - Chapter 8: "Make Haste, My Beloved"
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